Lets have a little fun and pay homage to the immortal Jeff Foxworthy.....
You Might Be a Scrapper If.....
1. While in church you find yourself mentally calculating the scrap value of the pipe organ's brass tubes
2. Viewing the Statue of Liberty makes your heart skip a beat (its made of copper)
3. If you have more insurance on your truck than you do your spouse
4. If you use duct tape and paper towels for band-aids
5. If you have ever punished one of your children for throwing away their pop can
6. If your spouse has ever accused you of being more in love with your sawzall than you are with them
7. If you have ever been late to a special event (wedding, funeral, birth of child) because Sears was holding a tool sale
8. If you can recall every piece of copper you have ever scrapped but often forget how many children you have