I am a software engineer/solutions architect as my day job. I have build, managed, and supported, many large scale applications (both web/http applications and backend other type of applications).... I 100% agree with the fact they need new hosting. It has gotten better recently... but is not great. A while ago I set up this to track the sites status
As you can see, where-ever it is hosted .... is not great. I have offered to help transfer hosting to somewhere that isnt garbage a few times (AWS would be my recommendation, but google cloud would work too)
I doubt whoever the owners of this site are are trying to sell it or get rid of it.... any established site with a user-base is hard to rebuild, and if I was them, as long as I wasn't lossing money, I would keep a hold of this site.... but.... if they are trying to get rid of it.... I'd like to throw my hat into the bidding war lol
Their whois info says they are registered (and also probably hosted, but cant be sure) through bluehost.com... I would think they would have their act together but perhaps not.