I dont think 'reality shows' are 100% real. Theres too much chance of the Network or producers getting sued.
So i think they just run with a theme, based a bit on actual 'storys' & 'renact' them, maybe 'emphasis' some aspects.
In Court the producers would just say they were running with the established storyline as suggested by the actors.
I was watching ellen degeneres show & the young guy they were interviewing was gay, richish & single, i also noticed he was wearing 'boat shoes' of a certain style.
A couple of weeks later i was watching Oprah and a similair looking guy was on it, married, working, kids & middle/lowish income.
After a short time i relised it was him, different harstyle, completely different background on him, but similar accent, still doubting, but i wasnt when i spied the exact, same, Boat, shoes.
Nah, hes a wannabe actor getting some experience @ acting & some facetime on national TV.
Remember all of the now known actors that were on Dating shows during the 1980's, Travolta, David Duchovny, John Ritter, aspiring actors, acting.
After posting i do a search & find this webpage, maybe im right after all.