Originally Posted by
Interesting project. Looking forward to seeing the progress as well.
Looks like you've got a couple of high volume water pumps there too. ( The red things) They're pretty durable. It's been close to 20 years since i've worked on one of those, but of memory serves, the shaft seals have to be repacked every so often. (Not expensive or hard to do.) I'm thinking the impellers inside would be fairly good size and made of brass. Might be worth it to crack one open if they're just going to scrap.
Those are some high volume pumps sitting there! I got 5x of those pumps and 5x 15hp motors at an auction in Cody, WY for $50 each. I was hoping to salvage the complete assemblies with frames, but the frames had cement poured in the middle. They had to be disconnected from everything which was kind of a pain, but I walked away with a good deal and about 80 pounds of #2 ins. from the motors. I'm still unsure what I'm going to do with those pump assemblies. On one end I could see scrapping them to get them out of the way, and on the other end I could selling them for $50 each (they have quite a bit of rust around the flanges). I haven't tried popping one open, but the props are either brass or stainless. I'll get one of them cracked open later today and post some pics.
The motors are a completely different situation. Since 4 out of 5 of the motors are identical I could see holding onto them to build a mega quad axle shredder which would make disassembly of
ewaste a quick task. The real question is do I really really need a shredder that big. I mean just because you can do something that big doesn't mean you should. It would be cool, but we'll have to see If I end up selling them I could see each one going for $300-$400 each. They'll probably sit on the shelf for another few months before they finally get listed.