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How are you? CoViD-19 Chat

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    wildliferacer started this thread.
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    How are you? CoViD-19 Chat

    Hello to all scrappers there, I made this thread to know your current situation right now.

    I'm good and everything is fine here. Still scrapping and when bored, I spent it with my pets. How about you?
    What are you doing now? Are you still scrapping? How are you dealing with the CoViD-19 pandemic?

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  3. #2
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    Working from home for my day job due to covid so that eliminates an hour a day of commuting and some getting ready time for work. Which leaves more time for scrapping. Plus me and my wife already had covid back in very early march before it was even well known and widespread. So, if having had it already prevents us from getting it like some say, then Id say im in a pretty good spot as my life has only improved (work from home more, less people out and about/traffic, more scrapping time, gov stimulus check, etc) since covid.

    It very unfortunate that so many have died, and that a lot of business are wrecked and people are unemployed and I am hopeful it doesn't hit any of our other family members but for now so far personally, it has not affected me negatively at all. Knock on wood that it stays that way.

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  5. #3
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    All good here like nothing ever happened, I just saw bigfoot
    Last edited by greytruck; 11-18-2020 at 11:42 AM.

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  7. #4
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    Ever seen the experiment where to many rats are placed in the same cage. Stress levels build and they end up killing and eating each other.

    Very busy at work. People are calling for pickups again and I have filled my garage up twice this year.

    My plans are to process everything that's out there now so everyone can have a good Christmas.

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  9. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    Ever seen the experiment where to many rats are placed in the same cage. Stress levels build and they end up killing and eating each other.
    Jim, the rats in the cage thing was a population density study. They started out with a really big cage and everything was pretty chill. They kept making it a little bit smaller every so often. As it got smaller ... stress levels went up. There was more homicide and infanticide amongst a host of other social problems. It's kind of a commentary on city life as opposed to country living.

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  11. #6
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    The covid thing is ratcheting up here. It was expected. This is our normal cold and flu season and captain covid is along for the ride this year. There's the left <----> right political conflict going on too. The lefties are getting really bit*hy about everybody masking up. They're running scared and think the world is coming to an end.

    We're probably looking at another lockdown sometime over the next few months. It might be nationwide this time so plan accordingly. Put up as much as you can to help tide you through the winter cause things may go quiet for awhile.

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  13. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChildhoodDream View Post
    I know a little tiny bit more about what is going on in the world "out there" then Gilligan of Gilligan's Island knew.

    I keep forgetting about the BU$Y world beyond my yard as I don't try and follow the sheeple and other popular folks.

    I have always preferred the slow lane of Life.

    If you think about it, humans are much like chipmunks with the ways that they get along.

    Everything is interconnected CD. No man is an island ... not even Gilligan.

  14. #8
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    CD: I understand, I was saying that I "forget" about what's going on as it's not something that's on my mind.

    Hills: It's not such a bad old life .... is it ? Live life on your own terms. Not many can do that. I would say this though ... sometimes what's going on in the outer world presses in. Everything in the world is interconnected in ways that we can barely begin to comprehend.

    CD: Thought I would add this. Our world monetary system is getting to be much like on Star Trek.

    Hills: It's getting pretty ethereal with all of these newly created trillions of dollars flying around. I was thinking of something Picard said about the federation economy but it was pretty vague. Simply that they had evolved past the need for currency. One would think communism, but it more closely describes a meritocracy.

    CD: I realize that the world at large has changed greatly from what the recorded history and human nature understands.

    Hills: Human nature has held fairly constant through the ages.

  15. #9
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    It's been said that " The more things change ... the more they remain the same."

    It's human nature to have a need to believe in something. The uncertainty of believing in nothing is just too much for most people to bear.

    Religions come and religions go. The new religion knocks down the temples and cathedrals of the old and builds edifices to itself upon their foundations.

    All hail the new religion of science !


    We live in the age of technological miracles. We honor our god every time we pick up our iphone. Our god, the A.I., lives in a dimension called cyberspace and we can interact with it, and others of our own kind, through our connecting link with that realm.

    ~ Freaky stuff ! ~
    Last edited by hills; 11-19-2020 at 06:44 AM.

  16. #10
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    Hey guys,

    Just wanted to check in and let y'all know that I'm ok. I am coming out of a 14 day quarrantine for COVID positive. For those who may not believe it, the virus is very real. I'm a tough farmer and it took all the go out of me. I only had fever the first two days and thought I was gonna bounce through it no problem. As it progressed, I started losing the ability to get oxygen from my lungs. I never had to go in the hospital, but it drains you so bad. My O2 levels would go anywhere from 88 to 96. The doctor said keep a log and if it stayed in the 80s to come in. I never lost my taste and smell, but it changed. I never had shortness of breath or terrible congestion, just terrible headaches and my lungs wouldn't work right. I did get to sort out my scrap buckets of stuff to get to later in my shop, but it was short times of work and lots of rest. I lived in our camper for two weeks while my wife quarrantined in the house. She's a teacher, and they actually had to shut down the school due to this recent outbreak.

    Our small town just hasn't had much COVID problems and were pretty relaxed about it. This has taught a lesson. I had two aunts and three uncles and two cousins get it and we buried my aunt on Monday. Pneumonia set in and they couldn't get her back. I don't care if you don't want to wear a mask because someone's making you. I care less what the government is up to. This is for your safety and others. It only took one cousin helping me put up a piece of crown molding in the bathroom to bring it right to me. Please take it seriously, be safe, and don't worry about what people say.

    I'm headed out to see if I can pick cotton today. See you guys later.

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  18. #11
    wildliferacer started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pnutfarmer View Post
    Hey guys,

    Just wanted to check in and let y'all know that I'm ok. I am coming out of a 14 day quarrantine for COVID positive. For those who may not believe it, the virus is very real. I'm a tough farmer and it took all the go out of me. I only had fever the first two days and thought I was gonna bounce through it no problem. As it progressed, I started losing the ability to get oxygen from my lungs. I never had to go in the hospital, but it drains you so bad. My O2 levels would go anywhere from 88 to 96. The doctor said keep a log and if it stayed in the 80s to come in. I never lost my taste and smell, but it changed. I never had shortness of breath or terrible congestion, just terrible headaches and my lungs wouldn't work right. I did get to sort out my scrap buckets of stuff to get to later in my shop, but it was short times of work and lots of rest. I lived in our camper for two weeks while my wife quarrantined in the house. She's a teacher, and they actually had to shut down the school due to this recent outbreak.

    Our small town just hasn't had much COVID problems and were pretty relaxed about it. This has taught a lesson. I had two aunts and three uncles and two cousins get it and we buried my aunt on Monday. Pneumonia set in and they couldn't get her back. I don't care if you don't want to wear a mask because someone's making you. I care less what the government is up to. This is for your safety and others. It only took one cousin helping me put up a piece of crown molding in the bathroom to bring it right to me. Please take it seriously, be safe, and don't worry about what people say.

    I'm headed out to see if I can pick cotton today. See you guys later.
    So sad to hear that from you, Don't worry I will keep myself and my family members to encourage wearing face masks.
    I also randomly found this article about CoViD-19 and it's very helpful. Here is the link: Looking At The Lockdown In A Positive Light

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  20. #12
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    My life has not changed except I am more respectful of the people I am around. Pnutfarmer reinforced this strategy. After the low prices and three shoulder surgeries I am ready to get back at it. Cut and hauled 8 tons of HMS & # 1 cast this week and did not interact with anyone that was not outside.

    Body language speaks volumes as to what others expect and I am fine with different perspectives. Masks are not my friend and other than medical facilities I avoid businesses that require a mask. My fear is for those at high risk and I am thankful that the majority of those at risk are older and not the younger generations. Social distancing is a natural lifestyle here.

    The two states I inhabit have left it up to the population to make their own decisions in most situations. Less than 1% of the population wore masks early in the pandemic, 50% wore them with the increase in infections in our counties, and now 85% are wearing masks. The point is that respect, not fear drives our decisions.

    We will still have a family Thanksgiving without limits to the number that attend, we will not be wearing masks inside our own home with visitors, and will provide an outdoor table for those that prefer (this is out of respect for Gavin, the governor of CA.). We will learn to live with the virus instead of learning how to die with it.

    Bottom line is we will continue to live life without fear, but we respect the power of the virus and other individuals we interact with. I prefer interacting with animals and nature over other individuals. I have been isolating long before the pandemic.

    My prayers and empathy go out to all of those suffering from the virus. With that said it will be business as usual.
    Give back more to this world than we take.

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  22. #13
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pnutfarmer View Post
    Hey guys,

    Just wanted to check in and let y'all know that I'm ok. I am coming out of a 14 day quarrantine for COVID positive. For those who may not believe it, the virus is very real. I'm a tough farmer and it took all the go out of me. I only had fever the first two days and thought I was gonna bounce through it no problem. As it progressed, I started losing the ability to get oxygen from my lungs. I never had to go in the hospital, but it drains you so bad. My O2 levels would go anywhere from 88 to 96. The doctor said keep a log and if it stayed in the 80s to come in. I never lost my taste and smell, but it changed. I never had shortness of breath or terrible congestion, just terrible headaches and my lungs wouldn't work right. I did get to sort out my scrap buckets of stuff to get to later in my shop, but it was short times of work and lots of rest. I lived in our camper for two weeks while my wife quarrantined in the house. She's a teacher, and they actually had to shut down the school due to this recent outbreak.

    Our small town just hasn't had much COVID problems and were pretty relaxed about it. This has taught a lesson. I had two aunts and three uncles and two cousins get it and we buried my aunt on Monday. Pneumonia set in and they couldn't get her back. I don't care if you don't want to wear a mask because someone's making you. I care less what the government is up to. This is for your safety and others. It only took one cousin helping me put up a piece of crown molding in the bathroom to bring it right to me. Please take it seriously, be safe, and don't worry about what people say.

    I'm headed out to see if I can pick cotton today. See you guys later.
    Sorry to hear about you and your family. I hope y'all recover quickly.

  23. #14
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    I have been basically living as usual. Things picked up and now has slowed down some but seems to be picking back up again.

    As far as the WooHooFloo goes, I think of it like a cold or flu. I will either get it or I won't and 99% of those who contract it recover. I do not believe a mask will do anything to protect me or anyone else unless it is in a facility and hands are washed before a new mask is donned and immediately prior to removing it. At any point in time, at any point in the day you are in public, you will pick up microbes on your hands and will invariably touch something and will make its' way to your face. There will be no avoiding contact with it any more than you can avoid smelling a fart. I also believe the fact you cannot avoid contact helps build immunity as little exposures to the virus can be handled in small doses over time and the contact will help teach your immune system ahead of time should a more significant exposure occur.

    I hope everyone here is around a year from now and has suffered no loss of family or friends.

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  25. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    My life has not changed except I am more respectful of the people I am around. Pnutfarmer reinforced this strategy. After the low prices and three shoulder surgeries I am ready to get back at it. Cut and hauled 8 tons of HMS & # 1 cast this week and did not interact with anyone that was not outside.

    Body language speaks volumes as to what others expect and I am fine with different perspectives. Masks are not my friend and other than medical facilities I avoid businesses that require a mask. My fear is for those at high risk and I am thankful that the majority of those at risk are older and not the younger generations. Social distancing is a natural lifestyle here.

    The two states I inhabit have left it up to the population to make their own decisions in most situations. Less than 1% of the population wore masks early in the pandemic, 50% wore them with the increase in infections in our counties, and now 85% are wearing masks. The point is that respect, not fear drives our decisions.

    We will still have a family Thanksgiving without limits to the number that attend, we will not be wearing masks inside our own home with visitors, and will provide an outdoor table for those that prefer (this is out of respect for Gavin, the governor of CA.). We will learn to live with the virus instead of learning how to die with it.

    Bottom line is we will continue to live life without fear, but we respect the power of the virus and other individuals we interact with. I prefer interacting with animals and nature over other individuals. I have been isolating long before the pandemic.

    My prayers and empathy go out to all of those suffering from the virus. With that said it will be business as usual.

    Your way of doing things seems much more sensible.

    I think a lot of it breaks down to politics.The folks in the middle part of the country are more conservative. The folks on the East and West coasts tend to be more liberal. Maine is about evenly divided with the southern coastal areas being heavily left and the inland farming areas being heavily right. My community is about 2/3 dems and 1/3 reps.

    The media has a lot to do with it too. The newspapers here in Maine are mostly center left in the way they report the news. They don't seem to like religion very much. They believe in science. We get outbreaks that happen when people are bunched up in a group. When we get an outbreak that happens in a jail, a school, or a nursing home ... they report it. When we get an outbreak in a house of worship ... they hammer the daylights out of it for weeks on end.

    The Governor is a democrat. The Maine State legislature did not convene this year due to the pandemic. It remains to be seen if they will convene next year. As nearly as i can tell ... it's just one person running state government these days. She makes lots of complicated rules, informed by science, and issues executive orders as the situation on the ground changes. Her latest ... was a 9:00 P.M. curfew for most businesses where people gather like bars, restaurants, and movie theaters. Another of her executive orders is that all people, either inside or outside, have to mask up unless they're completely alone.

    It's been a strange week. Both my wife and myself work in a retail setting so we are right out there on the front lines serving anywhere from 50 - 200 people a day. My wife's place of employment is an inside setting. Her company issued a mask mandate for the employees awhile ago but they didn't impose it on the customers coming through. Under pressure from local, self appointed, covid police in the medical community, they knuckled under and adopted a no mask / no service policy. I counted fourteen no mask / no service signs plastered on the front doors of the place of business where she works when i went in recently. The place where i work is mostly outdoors in nature. We occasionally have a customer come into the office but we're able to do most of our business outside. The word came down from the main office last monday, that all employees working with the customers have to mask up. I wasn't thrilled about this, but i figured that it's their business, and i am working for them, so they have the right to make the rules. We currently serve all customers regardless of whether or not they are wearing a mask. Compliance rates with the governor's mandate among my customers have been running about 20 - 50%. I doubt that i will be the one to tell any customer coming in that they are not welcome because they are not wearing a mask. I'm not a policeman. I'm just there to serve everyone in my community and keep the wheels of society turning regardless of the risk to myself.

    I know that we're best advised to avoid the sensitive issues of religion and politics here in order to keep the peace.

    I put this up more for the purpose trying to give others a picture of what it looks like to a guy working at ground level in another part of the country. It's different worlds isn't it ?

    Right now ... i like your picture of the world a lot better Patriot.

    I try to tell folks "to remain calm and carry on" here but they don't seem to be able to relate to what i'm saying. They've become too used to being told where to go, what to do, and what to think by their leaders and the media. They don't seem to be able to manage their own affairs anymore. < sigh>

    Mainers used to be a proud and independent people.

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  27. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by wildliferacer View Post
    Hello to all scrappers there, I made this thread to know your current situation right now.

    I'm good and everything is fine here. Still scrapping and when bored, I spent it with my pets. How about you?
    What are you doing now? Are you still scrapping? How are you dealing with the CoViD-19 pandemic?
    I'm fine, Still scrapping and still no issues here. I hope this will get end as soon as possible.

  28. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by wildliferacer View Post
    So sad to hear that from you, Don't worry I will keep myself and my family members to encourage wearing face masks.
    I also randomly found this article about CoViD-19 and it's very helpful. Here is the link: Looking At The Lockdown In A Positive Light
    I take a look on it and it's pretty good. As what the title says, It gives me positive vibes. Nice article you found there, wildliferacer.

  29. #18
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    All fine here. I still don't know anyone that caught the Rona, but that's probably because I was social distancing long before it was a term.

    Smaller circle, less drama.

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  31. #19
    wildliferacer started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunkverse View Post
    I take a look on it and it's pretty good. As what the title says, It gives me positive vibes. Nice article you found there, wildliferacer.
    Thank you for appreciating it! I just randomly found it and I'm glad it helps you

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