I'm not really seeing anything about Star Trek that maps out what a future economy would look like. When they do talk about money it's just used as what they call a " plot device."
Here's a quickie definition of what a plot device is:
A plot device or plot mechanism is any technique in a narrative used to move the plot forward. A clichéd plot device may annoy the reader and a contrived or arbitrary device may confuse the reader, causing a loss of the suspension of disbelief.
See ... the main problem here is that they couldn't keep their story straight. A few examples:
1: The Federation uses
2: Art imitates life and later on in the series they're talking about a
meritocracy because that's a popular thing with the far left intelligentsia these days.
3: The Ferengi are a caricature of today's
capitalists. (They are usually painted in a negative light.) They use a
hard currency called gold pressed latinum.
Bottom Line:
I don't think you can tell anything about what future economic systems would look like from the Star Trek series. I think it does tell something about the
writers of the show and where their heads are at though.
It's more likely that they are center left progressive types.
On the opposite side of the coin ... you've got stories like " Atlas Shrugged " that expound the virtues of Capitalism. It was a fantasy story that was hugely popular back in the day.
Lol .... anyway ... time to get to work.
I owe .. I owe .. so off to work i go !