Recently ABI released the latest news expressing they are very near to achieve their goals!
As the Great Sleeping Giant project is going to be 100% functioning in July 2021 which is only 3 months away from now!
ABI is fully equipped with all the necessary asserts as Finance, A deliberate team to work, All the equipment and Strong determination which all these are needed for success in Gold mining projects.
ABI have very large means as Elder Gold Mine and The Sleeping Giant Gold Mine As they are aware that these projects have absolute output and with the few years productions these assets will be grow very larger!
To move quickly on Sleeping Giant project they borrowed the cash of $ 6.5M in The starting of this March So the things can move ahead as Faster as possible!
Regarding the question that why the ABI shares are not moving quicker, Actually the reason is that many people are concerned about the age of M. Hinse that there is no standby strategy next to M. Hinse, But in last meeting of shareholder this concern in resolved now as His son M.Normand Hince is there as the CFO of the company and he is fully capable to handle if their are any issues!
M.Normand is attached with an international company from 30 years and has prepared his agenda to look after all the places of ABI prior to assure that all is going alright!
With these 3 points together We will be getting up with the growing share values in near future!