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  1. #1
    LostinNY2022 started this thread.
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    <span style="font-size:13px;">Totally Lost in NY</span>

    Hi im a Tenant in a Home for 20 years.. my Landlord was a Retired Sears appliance repair man who past away 2 years ago... He hoarded alot of Metal stuff thru the years.. stuff for his trade im sure. he had two back sheds full of nuts,bolts,heating elements, motors, rangetops, stoves, Tools , alot of Magnets(no clue where he got them) saw blades... i mean both sheds were full of this. and the garage has furniture with draws full of metal stuff....i had no clue what metal is what... but the daughter asked if i could find out how she can get rid of it...and maybe make cash on the metals if possible. what are my options? if anyone knows...i have a BMW and hauling this stuff isnt an

  2. #2
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Sometimes larger scrap operations will drop off a dumpster for a % of the metal value.....just make sure the terms are in your favor before committing

  3. #3
    CopperMiner's Avatar
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    Probably the easiest way is to place a classified selling everything as a lot or to find a truck or a trailer, then bring it all to a scrap yard such as Sal's Scrap Metal or Sims Metal in Hunts Point / Bronx. The magnetic stuff is steel / shred, they will weigh it at your arrival and ask you to dump it somewhere in the yard. After that, you return to the scale to calculate the weight difference. After that, bring everything else to smaller scale. That's where you'll get better prices for aluminum, copper, electric motors/wires and ask them (or another customer there) if they can help you to sort stuff since you are not familiar with that domain.
    NEW TO SCRAPPING? READ THIS: Build up your horde of magnetic and non-magnetic metals in two piles until you have a better understanding of the business. Magnetic material has low value and is mostly always steel / shred / short iron. Read old threads about non-magnetic metals and ewaste (and how to sort them), but don't forget that they generally have absolutely no tolerance for contamination (screw / iron / foreign material).

  4. #4
    msmoorad's Avatar
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    if you know anyone who does scrapping and you trust them, then maybe call them to have a look.
    maybe they will be interested in buying it themselves or at least they can tell u whats a fair price that you should get for everything- before you contact any scrap metal yard.

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