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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    went t5o the yard yesterday, didn't know weather to laugh or cry

    when I got to the yard there were about 15 various vehicles there. only two were scrapper trucks im guesson. no disrespect ment here cause I was in a car my self, . but as I walked past the line to the counter, I just had to shake my head at the lost money in those trunks. most got probably half real value out of their scrap. im guesson most were noobs, who had no idea what they were doing. one guy had #4 insukated cu cablemusta been 3/8 thick mihed with that insulated al/ steel teliphone stuff. several had ac radiators with the metal frames and copper ends still attached, musta been 15 0r twenty ac compressors whole and countless el motors, I actually got a little sick to my stomach. now these people wer not carying big loads just a dab here and a dab there.

    my advise to noobs is study the archives learn your craft. or sell it to some one who knows what to do with it. the yard dont care they will end up with it any way. ( dont try to buy scrap fron some one who is already in the yard tho thats a no no)

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  3. #2
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    Those people are the ones that scrap yards LOVE. And there are a lot. I bet they make a bajillion dollars off of them!

  4. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    bajillion dollars
    How big is that???

  5. #4
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    From the Urban Dictionary:


    Ten to the power of lots. i.e. 10^(lots)

    Jake: I did the math, there's a bajillion ways to make a Mojito.
    Alexandra: No way, you integrated it, and everything?
    Jake: For real. Ten to the power of lots is what my calculator said.

    Hope that clears it up!

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  7. #5
    auminer's Avatar
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    Sorry to revive such an old thread... I just did a search for the word cry & this thread popped up first.

    Why that keyword, you ask?

    Well pull up a chair & I'll tell you why.

    I took a measly load to the yard today. Ferrous, some sheet aluminum, some wire too small to ever bother stripping, tv PCBs,... you know: bulky junk.

    As I'm waiting to weigh my stuff I glance around at some of the other trucks & their loads. I presume it's socially acceptable to do so at the yard, unlike, say for example: in the restroom.

    Lo & behold, next to me I spy a guy with bags& bags& bags of cabling with cat5 connectors on the end. I smirk at his laziness for not cutting them off & getting gold connector price.

    Then... (man I'ma cry again...) he pulls out a HUGE.... HUGE...HUGE bag FULL of ram. THOUSANDS of sticks of it. The scale guy said he wasn't sure what to price it as, but he thought it was 2 bucks a pound. The guy said, "REALLY!!! I got lots more here, too... SWEET!!"

    My lunch almost came up.

    Should I have intervened? Should I have waited til he went to cash in & surreptitiously handed him my card? As it was, I was speechless.
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  8. #6
    badkarma506 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    you should have gave him your card, and told him you pay atleast 4 a lb. and then went and found the yard manager and told him that you would like to buy all the ram the other dude brought in, @ atleast 6 a lb.

  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by auminer View Post
    Then... (man I'ma cry again...) he pulls out a HUGE.... HUGE...HUGE bag FULL of ram. THOUSANDS of sticks of it. The scale guy said he wasn't sure what to price it as, but he thought it was 2 bucks a pound. The guy said, "REALLY!!! I got lots more here, too... SWEET!!"

    My lunch almost came up.

    Should I have intervened? Should I have waited til he went to cash in & surreptitiously handed him my card? As it was, I was speechless.
    I recently found a yard around me that purchased ewaste. I called the guy and was talking to him about prices and told him I had a bunch of TV boards and when I started naming the other boards I had, motherboards, ram etc. he cut me off and said I'll buy the TV boards for .18 and all the green ones for .25. Needless to say he just gets my TV boards, but when I went over there they had at least one box that I saw full of mixed beautiful green looking boards that I'm sure they paid a pretty quarter a pound. It is what it is I guess.

  10. #8
    zito is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Talking to a yard's customers and trying to buy their product is really bad juju (and a good way to get booted from the yard). I would have spoken to the manager, as it sounds like the ram/escrap isn't something they usually deal with. It might be possible to make a deal with him to buy the product, that both of you find beneficial.

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  12. #9
    ryanw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zito View Post
    Talking to a yard's customers and trying to buy their product is really bad juju (and a good way to get booted from the yard). I would have spoken to the manager, as it sounds like the ram/escrap isn't something they usually deal with. It might be possible to make a deal with him to buy the product, that both of you find beneficial.
    I guess it would depend on the yard. The one I go to doesn't buy ewaste. So, I asked the manager about buying stuff from people before they sell it to the yard. He said it was fine...even with stuff that they would normally buy. It's worth asking.

  13. #10
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    504, offer them .50-.75 a lb for them and see if their even interested.
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  15. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    504, offer them .50-.75 a lb for them and see if their even interested.
    That's a great idea. I shot an email over to the manager I dealt with. Offered him .60.

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