It's not our usual fare at SMF but there's newly emerging technology for waste management that's making the scene. It doesn't seem to be one of those pie in the sky things. There's a fair chance that this could become the standard way of dealing with municipal solid waste over the next few decades. It's worth being aware of because it might change things so much. There might be little need for landfills or traditional incinerators anymore. It would probably affect how recycling of paper and plastic products is done as well. Those industries could become obsolete.
Anyhow ... the gasification plants are already in operation in some places around the world. Others are being built as we speak. As with anything new ... the test of it's merit will be if it works over a long period of time. It will have to prove itself worthwhile.
Here's a scholarly link. The gasification process can be done different ways depending on what they want the end products to be. It's all chemistry and different reactions happening at the molecular level.
A Google search of " Gasification of MSW " will turn up results that are easier to understand.
~ One man's trash is another man's treasure. ~