The interview anyone watch it.
The interview anyone watch it.
Last edited by alloy2; 02-11-2024 at 09:00 AM.
Last edited by alloy2; 02-12-2024 at 08:50 AM.
Last edited by alloy2; 02-13-2024 at 08:10 AM.
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I kinda disagree. You have to understand the mechanics of monetary inflation to wrap your head around it.
The cliff notes version of the story is that the higher the debt ... the lower the value of the USD as a fiat currency. It's a form of indirect taxation and ultimately a redistribution of wealth.
Here's an intro to the inflation tax and how it works:
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Whoo boy ... i hear ya. I do the shopping. My wife does the cooking and makes everything from scratch. She's got a real knack for it.
It's a hard call. I think the worst of it is the cost of healthcare here in the states. Health insurance to cover me and my wife is about $ 2,300.00/month now.
I'm so thankful that they saw fit to give me a 17 % raise on the job last month. That should cover cost of living increases and even leave a bit left over to represent real wage growth this year.
The ones that seem to be suffering the most are the retirees living on a fixed income. The buzzword in the US congress a few years ago was that " a rising tide (of inflation ) floats all boats." That simply wasn't true because some boats are firmly anchored to the bottom. This is what you get with Keynesian economics and a center left progressive government that's looking to expand it's social programs. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. One way or another it all gets paid for through direct and indirect taxation.
You guys up in Canada are in a better position because you're able to sell off your natural resources .. like oil .. to help fund your social programs. You really don't have to fund any kind of a military because you are under protection of the United States. You can live in relative peace & prosperity because we're the ones doing the heavy lifting.
Which kinda brings us full circle to Tucker & Putin. There was really no need to watch the interview. There's an easy way to tell when Putin is spinning his lies.
His lips are moving.
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I don't mean to disrespect our neighbors to the North but i don't think the Avro Arrow would fare very well against Russia's new hyper sonic ICBM's.
Count yourself fortunate that Canada isn't taken as a credible military threat by anyone. Those missiles aren't pointed at you.
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It's not surprising that the engineers went to work for what was to become NASA. We imported the best German engineers and rocket scientists after the fall of Germany at the end of WW2 through operation paperclip.
We've probably got the most advanced military in the world but i'll tell ya .... it costs us dearly. Look at what we're spending on defense in comparison to other nations in the world.
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I know ... i'm just being a doofus. It's funny. Maine shares it's northern border with Canada. It's all pretty laid back with Americans and Canadians crossing back and forth for work, shopping, and visiting family.
The odd thing is that interdictions of foreign nationals coming down through from Canada are becoming more common with our border patrol agents lately. We Mainers are a rather homely looking lot. Anyone from "away" sticks out like a sore thumb. They're easy pickings for law enforcement.
It's sort of like the old joke:
Question: What do they call a hot young co-ed on the University of Maine campus ?
Answer: A visitor !
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