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  1. #1
    TheHoss started this thread.
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    Getting over the worst 8 days of my life

    I saw ComputerScrapper's topic earlier this week, didnt want to post mine on top of his. I hope everything is doing well with you and yours.

    Last Friday, my dad (60 yr old Vietnam Vet) had 4 seizures, fell and hit his head, and had to be takin to the ER.

    The morning of Friday, my Dad got sick. Took his diabetes pills, then threw up. He takes 7 pills, but only 5 came out. So he took them again (makes sense). Well, doing this he doubled up on his meds that make his blood sugar drop.

    He was fine for a couple hours, he yelled at me telling me to "get too work", that "ill be fine, dont worry about me". So i did. Went to my storage unit and started tearing down TV's. 2 hours into it i get a call from a buddy.

    "Hey, your Dad is throwing up blood and doesnt know who we are, get your @$$ home now"

    I freaked out. Rushed home. Made a 8 mile trip take 7 minutes, in traffic. More than doubling the MPH in certain places. Got home, he was sitting in his room saying "whats going on, what happened". I rubbed his back and asked "Pops, its yer son, do you know who i am?" He said "Yea son, i do. I love you". I went outside to flag down the ambulance. By the time we got back inside he had walked to the living room and sat in his chair. Me and my 2 friends that called me, were forced out back.

    That lasted about 1 minute for me. Went back inside, just in time to see Dad having another seizure in his chair. I dropped, and just lost it. They forced me outside again. I came back in about 2 minutes later, to see dad flat lined on the gurney (sp?). They were using the paddles on him then.

    They got him in the ambulance, thats when he started fighting them. He was "very combative" as the hospital put it. Were guessing it was a mixture of the confusing from the seizures, and some of his PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) acting up. They were strapping him down, so it makes sense. He had another seizure then.

    We followed them to the hospital, he had yet another seizure in the ER.

    After a LONG 6 hours in the waiting room, they finally got him stable enough to move to the ICU (intensive care unit). We could finally see him them. He looked asleep, calm.

    A normal person, it would only take a LITTLE bit of 1 brand of sedative to knock them out for a bit. Dad, they used 8 (yeah, EIGHT) different kinds of sedatives to knock him out. They finally had to put him in a medically induced coma, just to get him to stop fighting them.

    A long 4 days passed. They finally woke him up. The next day, we took him home.

    My dad is still a bit confused. But he's doing remarkably good. He has about 99% of his memory back, no longer has the "electrical vibrations" he was feeling inside of his body. He still has a BAD headache, and his tongue hurts a lot. He bit it and took a chunk out when he had his seizures.

    Looking back on this hellatious event, i see how fragile life is, and how easy it is to take every day for granted. I am so happy to have my Father home, and almost back to normal. No brain damage, nothing wrong.

    Talk about a strong guy.

    Think i made this topic mainly for me, just need to talk to somebody every now and again.

    Thanks for your time yall.

  2. #2
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    So good to get this update on your Dad Hoss. I just can't imagine how scary that was for you. Did your friends just "happen" to drop in when he most needed them ?? Anyway, I'm happy that he is home and doing well.

  3. #3
    TheHoss started this thread.
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    They did, Dee. It was completely random that they stopped by.

    Thank you for the kind words. From last friday to last night, i've gotten 11 hours of sleep. Not exaggerating to make myself look "cool". Today is the first time i could actually eat without throwing up. Needless to say, my nerves have been shot. Looking forward to getting REAL drunk tonight and getting some sleep.

  4. #4
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    Good luck with your dad Hoss. Keep us up to date. We are here for you.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to poundigity24 for This Post:

  6. #5
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    As one VN vet to another, tell your Dad to get well or I'll send him a case of Blatz.

    (Hint: When Blatz beer is warmed and recooled, it tastes(ed) like (urine).)
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  8. #6
    Destructo_d's Avatar
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    I wish you dad a speedy recovery... I worry to about my parrents as they are starting to get older... both are in relativly good health....

    Not to steal your post, but may I make a suggestion to the mods... I have no issues reading topics like this or anything to do with family, etc.... I realize this is already in off topic section... but seeing as how out little community is growing... Well, maybe we can have a specific sub catagory for dicsussing, things like family, friends, pets, etc... where we can say things like... hey, one of my family members isn't doing so well and I need to talk... or my daughter just graduated and I am proud of her... or show off your dog sparky jumping in a lake....

    once again, sorry to steal the thread and I do wish your dad a speedy recovery and hope he is with you for many many more years to come.

    take care

  9. #7
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    Sorry to hear this Hoss. Wishing your Dad a speedy recovery and that you can rest up.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to IdahoScrapper for This Post:

  11. #8
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    Hope your dad has a speedy recovery.

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  13. #9
    Ohio Scrapper's Avatar
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    Wishing and praying for only the best for both you and your dad, Hoss.

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  15. #10
    newattitude's Avatar
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    omigosh Hoss! {{HUGS}} for you and your father both. I'm glad he is doing better but totally understand the toll it takes on you.

  16. #11
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Hoss, Here's wishing you all the best, and hoping for a full recovery; I know some of the feelings you went thru, I have lost a Mom, Dad, Stepdad, and lastly my older brother. I'm the last one in my family, no sons to carry on our family name. Hang in there dude,,,

  17. #12
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    Heart, prayers and thoughts go out to you Hoss. The fact that he still has "fight" left in him is a good sign, I hope he gets better soon.
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  18. #13
    parrothead's Avatar
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    It is a very good thing that your friends stopped by. Hope all is well now. Go get some sleep!

  19. #14
    Dawsey is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    This is like the first thread I have ever read the whole of, without skimming or skipping. I felt that your dad is a very strong man indeed! Glad you could be with him when times were bad!

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