Have any of you dabbled in these areas? I have very limited experience. It's something I want to try to get into but I can't really afford it just now. All I've done in the past is invested £300 in barclays when uk banks were in a lot of trouble and sold for (iirc) £2,600 six months later. I wanted to invest £1,000 that we had saved but my girlfriend kind of got cold feet when she was in the process she bought £300 just in case we lost it. Oh well. Next time I'll do it myself.
Bought £300 in centrica but had to sell before we made any money at all because I was 50/50 with a friend and he needed his money back to pay bills.
A relative who goes to turkey on holiday every year has just changed up £1,000 into Turkish lira and compared to the normal exchange rate he got an extra £12O worth of lira.
Just a couple of examples, I'm sure some of you have much more experience than me. It's something I want to get more involved in and maybe soon I'll be able to use my scrap money purely as a way of raising money to invest.