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Photo radar ticket

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  1. #1
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Photo radar ticket

    Ok do I pay the $80 or spend 1 day off from work to go down and dispute it and then get a court date. For one I was in the slow lane of a construction zone. The speed goes from 45 to 40 and back to 45 in less then half a mile. I travel this road everyday to work so I know the photo radar van is there every day. I know I wasnt speeding but here is the best part. I got on the website and looked at the photos. I am in the slow lane and threw the 4 photos takin by the radar van there is a pickup truck that in the first photo is behind me and in the last photo is past me. The truck in question is in the fast lane. These 4 photos all happen in what I would guess is less then 100 yards.

    So my questions to you all is do any of you know if its possible that the radar was picking up the truck and not me?

    Do radar guns pick up the larger faster vehicle and I got the ticket because i was closist to the photo van?

    What are all your thaughts?

  2. #2
    c4f5's Avatar
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    It's not just the $80 ticket. Think about the next 3 years of higher insurance rates. If you think you can win it, fight it.

  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Yes, it's a proven fact that standard radar has always caught the largest vehicle in a group. It's the bigger surface area it is reflecting off of. My friend(a cop) showed me a secret one time, he could clock his heater fan on different speeds and the high speed was around 67 mph. He would clock his fan right before pulling a speeder over on the highway(if he could not get a long clock on the vehicle) and show him the 67 in a 55 zone. Wrote a lot of tickets that way. The story of the stopped schoolbus was verified by the manuf. of the detectors, cause they make most of the radar guns.

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