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Anyone play video games?

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    Evan_O started this thread.
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    Anyone play video games?

    Back in the day video games were for kids, and some still think so, but many older men and some women play too. I play Madden with my girls dad on occasion.

    Broke my PS3 by an accidental step on it while walking thru my apartment in the dark... I had pulled it out to hook up my hdmi cable I had just purchased and went to bed... Middle of the night I went for a snack and my foot goes right thru it.

    Just got an Xbox 360 which I thought of never do and am loving Gears of War 1 and 2 and a little Halo 3, as well as Devil May Cry 4. Still have the best one for my ps2... DMC 3.

    So any gamers here? If so what's your game(s) and system of choice? If you say the Wii I'm outta here

  2. #2
    parrothead's Avatar
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    We have a Wii for family fun. Other than that, I am a PC gamer. EQ2 is my addiction of choice.

  3. #3
    Destructo_d's Avatar
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    I don't play games often... but we have a Xbox that I got the 9 year old 2 xmas ago to replace mine that had the ring of death.... and we have a Wii which Santa brought Joey and me last christmas.

    The wii hasn't seen use since like march maybe?

    The Xbox gets used far too often... almost non - stop when he is awake.... but he usually plays alone playing COD online.... normall one of the various zombie ones.... He plays multiple matchs a day.. I will play with him 1 - 3 zombie matchs per day..... I like video games, but never really truly got into being a hard core gamer..... I spend most of my "electronic entertainment" time online talking to friends who live out of town and also reaing forums such as this one.

    Ugh... Don't get me started on WoW.... different people tried to get me playing it, but like I said, I am not a true gamer and I can't spend 24 hours a day in front of a game that will never end and you can't say you beat the game...

  4. #4
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    I am a bit old school when it comes to gaming....I have a Wii but I only use it to play Mortal Kombat.....I was waiting for Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe to come out for the Wii only to find out that they were not releasing on that platform. Oh well, not a lot of time for gaming anymore anyway.

  5. #5
    rca987's Avatar
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    World of Warcraft on the PC is only game I play.
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  6. #6
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    I play Call of duty black ops on xbox and cant wait for mw3 to come out this november

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    I use to Play the commodore 64 Games
    Me too....I generally don't admit that because it shows how old I am lol.....We started with a Timex Sinclair before my Dad bought a Commodore Vic 20...When we got the 64 we actually had a modem and were able to logon to bulletin boards....Kinda like the early internet

  8. #8
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    I play my game when I have spare time only and usually after working 70+ hours a week providing for my family. The same reason I like to watch a movie or take my wife out to dinner, a time to unwind. Everyone has their own thing and bashing someone for what they enjoy does not seem right in my opinion.

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  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComputerScrapper View Post
    I play my game when I have spare time only and usually after working 70+ hours a week providing for my family. The same reason I like to watch a movie or take my wife out to dinner, a time to unwind. Everyone has their own thing and bashing someone for what they enjoy does not seem right in my opinion.
    I agree! Posted in the off-topic forum so it's nothing if NOT appropriate.

    Anyways, I just beat Fallout: New Vegas for xbox.......... took me forever b/c I only play when I'm alone or everyone is in bed. I like Fallout 3 better though. I used to be a hardcore gamer..........until I got a girlfriend(my wife)! LOL! I still like the Need 4 Speed and the COD games...... but it sucks playing alone so I do that when a friend wants to play as I cant hook up to xbox live where I live.
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  11. #10
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    ok.... Far be it from me to tell the owner and moderators of this forum how to run their site.... but I would like to think that we are all friends here and I don't really think the odd topic of what we do outside scrap metal, is going to hurt anything.... and it is put in the "off topic" area too... I wouldn't mind bsing with everyone what I do in my relaxing time....

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  13. #11
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    Yes, I'd say it's an "Off" Topic. No one is being personally attacked for their opinions. Personally, I only play Solitaire on the computer but that doesn't mean what's what everybody should do.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  15. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick View Post
    Yes, I'd say it's an "Off" Topic. No one is being personally attacked for their opinions. Personally, I only play Solitaire on the computer but that doesn't mean what's what everybody should do.
    Ahh yes, Solitaire....One of the few games I am actually, kinda, sorta good at :-) I prefer Spider Solitaire myself but it can certainly be tough

  16. #13
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    like I said it is a hot button issue for me with good reasion. ment no offence to any one, just on old guys opinion.

  17. #14
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    Ive owned and played with every system since pong. Well almost every system I stoped with a PS1 as far as sony goes. When i was a kid my dad was a computer nerd and game junky as well. So as I agree with olddude it can be destructive it can also be very family friendly. Some of my best time as a kid was spent with my dad playing Zelda on the original nintendo till the wee hours of the night to only get up the next day and do it again with him till we beat it. It was also Fun playing super mario bros. with my mom because when she wanted the little guys on the screen to jump she would push a and move the controller up and down in the air like it was helping them jump or something. I have played WOW and many other online games to many to mention. We currently have a wii and 2 xbox 360's set up in the house. I love playing guitar hero world tour with the kids too. I am now 37 years old and still play games with my father and my son on the computer. My father lives out in PA im in CO and if it wernt for the time we played games together as a kid I dont think we would be as close as we are now. Its also cool when my father, my son, and I all can play the same game together.

  18. #15
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    I LOVE all the guitar-based games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I'm a big rock and metal fan so air guitar was pretty common when I was a kid. Now I can do it with a plastic guitar! I also play Gran Turismo and COD, all on PS3. I played WOW for a while but started to realize I was spending too much time doing it so I quit. It wasn't causing any marital problems or anything, I just got so involved with it I just didn't have time to do projects around the house, etc. So no more WOW for a while...although I still want to play it now and then.

  19. #16
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    Thats like saying guns dont kill people the bullets fired from them do. How is the bullet fired? By the person pulling the trigger... This country needs to get away from the PC BS and take some personal accountablility. Violant video games dont make you want to kill people nor does playing a video game 10 hours a day like a crack addict ruin a marriage. Its the person doing the act not the end product of the act. I use to tell my wife would she rather have me home in the office playing on my computer or out at the bar drinking away my paycheck every night. Im still married so you guess which she picked. Sorry to get on a rant but after reading Kris Kringle's post I had to add my $.02

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  21. #17
    Evan_O started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypoman View Post
    I agree! Posted in the off-topic forum so it's nothing if NOT appropriate.

    Anyways, I just beat Fallout: New Vegas for xbox.......... took me forever b/c I only play when I'm alone or everyone is in bed. I like Fallout 3 better though. I used to be a hardcore gamer..........until I got a girlfriend(my wife)! LOL! I still like the Need 4 Speed and the COD games...... but it sucks playing alone so I do that when a friend wants to play as I cant hook up to xbox live where I live.
    How was it? I've yet to play any of the Fallout series, but I love the RPG elements it brings from what I've seen. I'm an old school gamer from childhood. Atari 2600, NES, Super Nintendo, N64, PS2, and the current gen. Loved the older Final Fantasies and I was playing Atari 2600 at 3-4 (born in 86) so I always love some old simple games.

    I have Galaga on my phone and love it.

    My first girlfriend of over 3 months, now at a year and a half and living together... Anyway, she loves watching me play these newer games with story lines and cutscenes. It's like a movie to her. I'll marry this one... She wanted me for years but I wasn't ready until 24 years young to finally give in but that's a whole other story.

    PC games are great, as above implied. I just need a new desktop as mine broke. Not a fan of laptops and it's a Mac which isn't the best for game selection anyway. My Sony Vaio desktop lasted many a year.

    Games, movies, and YouTube shows are our ways to pass time together. I also have my weight lifting as another outlet. I'm on a few BB'ing forums but getting "too big" in my mind and many others so I'll play games lol.

    We are all pretty blessed to have many outlets in our lives to unwind and forget the problems we all have. I'm up late stripping some jumper cables and such and having fun.

    Anyone else here a night owl too?

  22. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evan_O View Post
    How was it? I've yet to play any of the Fallout series, but I love the RPG elements it brings from what I've seen. I'm an old school gamer from childhood. Atari 2600, NES, Super Nintendo, N64, PS2, and the current gen. Loved the older Final Fantasies and I was playing Atari 2600 at 3-4 (born in 86) so I always love some old simple games.

    I have Galaga on my phone and love it.

    My first girlfriend of over 3 months, now at a year and a half and living together... Anyway, she loves watching me play these newer games with story lines and cutscenes. It's like a movie to her. I'll marry this one... She wanted me for years but I wasn't ready until 24 years young to finally give in but that's a whole other story.

    PC games are great, as above implied. I just need a new desktop as mine broke. Not a fan of laptops and it's a Mac which isn't the best for game selection anyway. My Sony Vaio desktop lasted many a year.

    Games, movies, and YouTube shows are our ways to pass time together. I also have my weight lifting as another outlet. I'm on a few BB'ing forums but getting "too big" in my mind and many others so I'll play games lol.

    We are all pretty blessed to have many outlets in our lives to unwind and forget the problems we all have. I'm up late stripping some jumper cables and such and having fun.

    Anyone else here a night owl too?

    They were pretty fun. I'll definitely be getting the next one that comes out. I prefer Modern Warfare, but I can't get xbox live so I don't play it much since I already destroyed it! I used to play FF but I just lost taste for it. I think it just got too mundane for me.
    I have severe insomnia myself and that's usually when I play xbox or do my homework or read(been doing that alot lately) as well. The only PC games I ever got into were the Ages of Empires type games. I like using a controller over the keyboard. You'd better hang on to that gal! I can't get my wife to do that with me for anything! And we used to play playstation when we were dating! HAHA.

    You don't have to apologize or defend yourself for anything. Some people get a stick up their butt about certain things and every once in awhile like to take it out and whack other people with it.
    Last edited by Hypoman; 09-06-2011 at 06:30 AM.

  23. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypoman View Post
    They were pretty fun. I'll definitely be getting the next one that comes out. I prefer Modern Warfare, but I can't get xbox live so I don't play it much since I already destroyed it! I used to play FF but I just lost taste for it. I think it just got too mundane for me.
    I have severe insomnia myself and that's usually when I play xbox or do my homework or read(been doing that alot lately) as well. The only PC games I ever got into were the Ages of Empires type games. I like using a controller over the keyboard. You'd better hang on to that gal! I can't get my wife to do that with me for anything! And we used to play playstation when we were dating! HAHA.

    You don't have to apologize or defend yourself for anything. Some people get a stick up their butt about certain things and every once in awhile like to take it out and whack other people with it.
    I am pretty sure that Hypo would have an advantage over most of us when it comes to COD considering he is military! I tried that game with my son once and got my rear end kicked within ten have a buddy that likes to play the Nazi Zombies map on COD (not sure which one it is) and I tried that since I am a big WWII buff and I still got my butt kicked. Of course most of the games I was used to playing only needed two buttons and a controller stick to play :-)

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  25. #20
    Dawsey is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I play PS3 quite frequently. Mostly Call of Duty series. Already pre-ordered Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

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