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I agree! Posted in the off-topic forum so it's nothing if NOT appropriate.
Anyways, I just beat Fallout: New Vegas for xbox.......... took me forever b/c I only play when I'm alone or everyone is in bed. I like Fallout 3 better though. I used to be a hardcore gamer..........until I got a girlfriend(my wife)! LOL! I still like the Need 4 Speed and the COD games...... but it sucks playing alone so I do that when a friend wants to play as I cant hook up to xbox live where I live.
How was it? I've yet to play any of the Fallout series, but I love the RPG elements it brings from what I've seen. I'm an old school gamer from childhood. Atari 2600, NES, Super Nintendo, N64, PS2, and the current gen. Loved the older Final Fantasies and I was playing Atari 2600 at 3-4 (born in 86) so I always love some old simple games.
I have Galaga on my phone and love it.
My first girlfriend of over 3 months, now at a year and a half and living together... Anyway, she loves watching me play these newer games with story lines and cutscenes. It's like a movie to her. I'll marry this one... She wanted me for years but I wasn't ready until 24 years young to finally give in but that's a whole other story.
PC games are great, as above implied. I just need a new desktop as mine broke. Not a fan of laptops and it's a Mac which isn't the best for game selection anyway. My Sony Vaio desktop lasted many a year.
Games, movies, and YouTube shows are our ways to pass time together. I also have my weight lifting as another outlet. I'm on a few BB'ing forums but getting "too big" in my mind and many others so I'll play games lol.
We are all pretty blessed to have many outlets in our lives to unwind and forget the problems we all have. I'm up late stripping some jumper cables and such and having fun.
Anyone else here a night owl too?