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Diesel Fuel

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  1. #1
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Diesel Fuel

    During the last recession I owned and operated a gravel truck work was scarce and fuel even more difficult to purchase with out money.

    People had switched from oil heating to gas, most of the tanks were left in place if you got lucky you could get one to haul away that had plenty of fuel left inside. Furnace oil and diesel are close enough in chemical nature to burn as fuel in a diesel engine.

    I rigged up a small pump run from a gas engine to transfer the fuel, just make sure you filter it before putting it into a truck.

    Even to day it's not by chance all my vehicles are diesel powered, the only difference is that I'm burning bio fuel made from waste restaurant oils.

    Unfortunately hauling scrap uses more fuel than I'm able to make and I'm buying at the pump.

  2. #2
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    Find more places to pick up oil. I am running 2 trucks full time on eco fuel.
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  3. #3
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    I used to have a couple cars with bosch pumps i ran on vegetable oil. First one was when vegetable oil sold at supermarkets as a loss leader at £0.09 pl but then everyone did it so price if thats gone up to £1.00 pl second one i filtered the oil from the school canteen through a shirt arm. Made a heck of a mess but saved loads of money when i needed it. But now... sigh all this healthy eating stuff going on atm and schools here use only a fraction of the oil they used to. Now they tell me 'cos the sausages and burgers are not deep fried and they are baked instead they are now healthy... So not much changed apart from me getting 100l pm down to 20 so now i'm back to regular diesel paying £1.40 pl ($8.19 per gallon)

  4. #4
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrisvh View Post
    I used to have a couple cars with bosch pumps i ran on vegetable oil. First one was when vegetable oil sold at supermarkets as a loss leader at £0.09 pl but then everyone did it so price if thats gone up to £1.00 pl second one i filtered the oil from the school canteen through a shirt arm. Made a heck of a mess but saved loads of money when i needed it. But now... sigh all this healthy eating stuff going on atm and schools here use only a fraction of the oil they used to. Now they tell me 'cos the sausages and burgers are not deep fried and they are baked instead they are now healthy... So not much changed apart from me getting 100l pm down to 20 so now i'm back to regular diesel paying £1.40 pl ($8.19 per gallon)
    My Mitsubishi Pajero right hand drive , I ran it on filtered waste vegetable oil straight from the deep fryer. After sitting the winter the oil remaining in the fuel system coagulated into a white jell. Another winter project, pull he injection pump and injectors to clean the gunk out.

    I have the pressure pump to test and adjust injectors, so it's not going to be much of a problem to get her running like a swiss clock again. I love that little SUV.

    There's not much room under the hood, you will notice the extra large filter hanging off the front bumper.

    Last edited by gustavus; 09-25-2011 at 08:24 AM.

  5. #5
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    I'm sure there are a few of us that have tinkered with UVO and biodiesel in our past.

    I'm still thinking that big tank on that old truck you just got would make a great UVO sucker tank!!!

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    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by daw_green_clean View Post
    I'm sure there are a few of us that have tinkered with UVO and biodiesel in our past.

    I'm still thinking that big tank on that old truck you just got would make a great UVO sucker tank!!!

    It most certainly would make a good sucker tank, fortunately I do not need nor want it. The restaurants when replacing the oil, use the old plastic container to put the waste oil into, this has been working out for me just fine and have no plans of changing my routine.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    It most certainly would make a good sucker tank, fortunately I do not need nor want it. The restaurants when replacing the oil, use the old plastic container to put the waste oil into, this has been working out for me just fine and have no plans of changing my routine.

    Wish I lived closer --- I'd be buying that tank from you if it was in good condition.

  8. #8
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    Another winter project, pull he injection pump and injectors to clean the gunk out.
    If you would force kerosene or diesel thru the pump and injectors, wouldn't that clean them up and delude or thin the veg.oil enough to wash it out of the system??? That's why Easy switches back and forth from reg. diesel to bio or back to regular for it to start up properly.
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    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    If you would force kerosene or diesel thru the pump and injectors, wouldn't that clean them up and delude or thin the veg.oil enough to wash it out of the system??? That's why Easy switches back and forth from reg. diesel to bio or back to regular for it to start up properly.
    I want to become independent of the diesel shops by learning how to repair and tune up my own injectors and pump, most folks living in the UK do this type of work routinely just as you or I would change our own filters and oil over a weekend.

    The diesel shops in Canada will not sell you overhaul kits, the Internet made it possible to get the needed kit for my CAV pump on my Massey 35, next up is my Pajero.

    Next time the fuel will be bio and not filtered wast oil. Had I not chosen to rebuild my own it could have been a very expensive lesson.

  10. #10
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    I am looking to buy the badest scrap vehicle ever and it runs on anything.I will post picks when i finally get it or one

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    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Focker View Post
    I am looking to buy the badest scrap vehicle ever and it runs on anything.I will post picks when i finally get it or one
    You looking for suggestions or do you have a truck in mind. My favorite truck is the ugly Mack which is Mack bumper to bumper, manufactured by Renault.

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    No i have one just waiting for the right price and time to get it.

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