That whenever you make a post with your honest opinion about certain things on here you post get deleted.We are adults here not little kids don't delete post for stupid reasons.
That whenever you make a post with your honest opinion about certain things on here you post get deleted.We are adults here not little kids don't delete post for stupid reasons.
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I did not see the post. There are several reasons why a post may get deleted. If it is an attack in any way on someone then that would be grounds for removal.
If your post was in response to a post that had to be deleted for the above reason, then it may have been deleted for continuity of the thread.
Either way, calling the administration or mods out puplicly is not the way to handle this. On the other hand, we need to extend the same curtousy and send a PM when we delete something. We are in the back room working on a rules revamp and hope to get that out soon. Stay tuned.
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there is no reasion for personal attacks or humiliation, altho a little slap on the butt now and then may be in order. no reasion to go off topic. no reasion for blatant falce info. some of us are a little more opinionated then others and some times a little more blunt and I think that helps keep the forum in line. politics is one of my favorite but I shy away from it a best as I can (some times I just cant keep my mouth shut) because I'm a little more freedom minded then Davy Crocket or for you younger folks Jack Sparrow.
I've been on many forums, moderated a few, even was an Owner/Admin on one, all over the course of many years. I started with The Well, the notorious San Francisco-based BBS in '85, and have been online ever since.
I've also been virtually spanked more than a few times, but it was always justified. At least in my case I think the trick is to think twice and write once.![]()
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