the las switch on my old stove just gave up I need 4 switches any one got any ?
the las switch on my old stove just gave up I need 4 switches any one got any ?
No but theres a shop down town i could probably get what you need.
“If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.”
Abraham Lincoln
I just got an electric stove yesterday. I'm gonna be taking it apart this weekend and I'll be sure to keep whatever switches I find. If you still need them by then, let me know
There's nothing more fun and more effective than hitting something repeatedly with a sledgehammer
thanks scrap man Ill be glad to pay shipping and something for the switches
You will need to have the Make and Model numbers to replace those switches. Manufactures like to keep changing the style of parts so you have to go to them for replacements. They call the changes improvements, but we know better.
Last edited by injunjoe; 10-05-2011 at 08:08 AM.
When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying
I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie
If you haven't done so yet I just typed in "appliance parts" in Google and came up with a bunch of vendors. I've used some of them with good results. I apologize if you've tried that. If it's an old stove places like that may not stock parts for it.
I can find the switches no problem. the problem is I cant afford $18 to $25 each for them. just about any robert shaw or Johnston step or reo switch will work, they just make you think they wont.
True but they look better if they mount like they were meant to. Sure anyone can rig it. I guess Oldman's wife ain't to fussy.
"Yes dear 250 is 100 but Remember BAKE is CLEAN"
lol. Joe we live in two seperate houses on the same property. I do allow some disrespect from her to a point, a pay back for 25 years of loyalty and dedication, from her. alto some times paybacks can be a bitc_.
This is a newer stove. How old is yours and what type? Also, do you need any other parts as backups?
it's a GE about 10 years old, the switches qare mounted on a piece that sets on top of and at the back of the cooking surface. the switches mount with 2 screws through the metal into the switch. I need the knobs too. I designed and built kilns for several years so I can pretty much make any step or reo switch work.
Alright. I'll hopefully be able to ship them out this weekend
thanks let me know how much. the address is M. C Wier po box 100 Fountain fl. If you need the money first I will send it.
Don't worry about the money. I'm glad to help
scrap man i forgot the zip code 32438 thankx again. any thing you need I have dont hesitate to ask.
Big shout out to scrap man, thanks for the switches. Got them today. Please at least let me send you the postage.
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