Originally Posted by
before you get to far into that. Look on
ebay. You will see so much avon/marykay stuff at below cost. You have to ask yourself why this is. Maybe they couldnt make anything off of it so they are just dumping it to get out of the business. Trust me on this it aint worth it. My wife did the marykay thing and we ended up with $500 of inventory she ended up using herself because she couldnt sell enuff of it to make the so called quata to get dealer pricing anymore. Good Luck...
PTS, I am sure you are correct. My ex wife did it for about 2 or 3 months when we were married. I am not expecting a huge financial gain. Just gives my wife something to do.
She has been successful in the past with doing her own thing (stuff that she has come up with her own). With a $10 investment, you do sit back and wonder why not everyone is doing this, but like you said, when there is so much competition and just whatever else, that is why.