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  1. #1
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    All you computer scrappers out there. Im looking for

    I wasnt sure where to put this so I put it off topic. Im looking to build a set top computer for my living room. I need a case. I dont want a regular computer case. I would like one that set like a stereo component. I need it to fit an atx board so a micro or mini case wont work. Let me know if any of you have one of these cases before you send them to shredder. Ill pay the shipping costs and a few bucks for the case if ya like. Figured I would offer it up to you guys before I go and pay retail for one.

    Here is an ebay ad for one just so you know what im looking for.

  2. #2
    ScrapperNJ26's Avatar
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    If I come across one I will let you know. When do you need it by?

  3. #3
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    No hurry. Its a side project. if I can save a little money by getting one from one of you peeps ill be happy.

  4. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    We bought one similar to this one about a year and a half ago, we added Win. 7 and a few other things and it's still running good. Actually went looking for a power supply, and we bought the whole puter for the price of a power supply. He seems to be a good seller, very prompt shipping and he emailed later to make sure it was still running ok.
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  5. #5
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    i have a few of these hp compaq 530's. Not quite as sleek as what you have pictured. Let me look around and se what else i have

  6. #6
    bluemeate's Avatar
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    I need a computer that can handle world of warcraft. who can build me one? paypal??
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  7. #7
    Dru702's Avatar
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    Any other particular requirements your looking for besides ATX? Like number of fans or hard drive bays? You might what to Google bare bones computers, It's basically just the parts and you assembly it yourself, cheaper than buying one that is pre-assembled.
    Last edited by Dru702; 11-07-2011 at 03:41 AM.

  8. #8
    Dru702's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluemeate View Post
    I need a computer that can handle world of warcraft. who can build me one? paypal??
    If you know what the PC requirement are for world of warcraft check out its way cheaper to buy the parts and assemble it your self and its really easy to. Just make sure all the components are compatible. Newegg offers package deals and the parts included are always compatible. You could defiantly build a computer to handle world of warcraft for under 500.

  9. #9
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post

    We bought one similar to this one about a year and a half ago, we added Win. 7 and a few other things and it's still running good. Actually went looking for a power supply, and we bought the whole puter for the price of a power supply. He seems to be a good seller, very prompt shipping and he emailed later to make sure it was still running ok.
    Thanks for the link but I have all the parts just need a case. I try not to buy prebuilt stuff. I like to build everything I have so if something does break I dont have to buy a prebuilt replacement. That is a dang good price though.

  10. #10
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluemeate View Post
    I need a computer that can handle world of warcraft. who can build me one? paypal??
    WOW requirments are so low you can play it on a P4 system.

    - Intel Pentium 4 1.3 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 1500+
    - 1 GB or more of RAM
    - NVIDIA® GeForce® FX or ATI Radeon™ 9500 video card or better
    - 25.0 GB available HD space
    - 4X DVD-ROM drive (Downloadable Installer also available)
    - Broadband Internet connection
    - Keyboard/mouse

    I could probable build you one out of parts I have laying around the shop.

  11. #11
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    I really like the looks of this one.

    I like it to look more like a stereo reciever then a computer but you know it all comes down to price.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluemeate View Post
    I need a computer that can handle world of warcraft. who can build me one? paypal??
    Another WOW fan , I'm running an Alienware Aurora ALX, i7 980 chip, dual crossfires and 12gb memory with water core cooling ...... a gift from my lovely better half a little over the top for WOW but fluid gaming to say the least

  13. #13
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IntrepidMuppet View Post
    Another WOW fan , I'm running an Alienware Aurora ALX, i7 980 chip, dual crossfires and 12gb memory with water core cooling ...... a gift from my lovely better half a little over the top for WOW but fluid gaming to say the least
    That is what I need for EQ2.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluemeate View Post
    I need a computer that can handle world of warcraft. who can build me one? paypal??
    A more than capable Core i3 rig to play WoW on can be found fairly cheap (400 or less). I'd be happy to help you pick one out or construct one for you.

    Pricing out the components it runs around ~300, and still has to be put together and shipped. I can pick up shelf pulls / open box / returns of similar core i3 machines for close enough not to make it worth the effort. It's been especially bad lately as hard drive prices are through the roof due to the flooding in Malaysia.

    Like I said though, I'd be happy to help you get something if you haven't already found assistance. Some people like the advantages of a home built pc for individual component warranties and often slightly better parts. It's not a bad option, just isn't going to save too much cash.

    You could always get a core 2 duo rig as well and save a little bit but you cut out your upgrade path and only the higher end core 2 duos match the i3 performance anyway.

    Here are the parts if someone ones to see what I am basing my numbers on:
    And the hard drive...I'd just pull one out of a machine or get it on eBay because 80+ for one right now is insane as a starting point (I stocked up on all the 2TB's on sale at Best buy to try to avoid that, but it is beyond overkill for this kind of build).

    Hope I didn't post too much info, I tried to send a PM but didn't see where the option for that was.

  15. #15
    Torker Man's Avatar
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    Re named to nerdy gaming thread

    you fellas crack me up..LOL
    "roaming the streets, looking for treats"

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  17. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torker Man View Post

    Re named to nerdy gaming thread

    you fellas crack me up..LOL
    Haha! Well a lot of forums don't appreciate people going off-topic, so I usually don't throw a bunch of information that isn't relevant to the original post in but like I said, I didn't see any PM functionality. I even tried to go through the FAQ and it had a link for using PM's but it wasn't functional. I enabled e-mail contact though when i registered, so if anyone wants to shoot me an e-mail and tell me if I'm being a dumb dumb or not please do.

  18. #17
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    If all you want to do is play wow just buy a cheap p4 with 4 gigs of ram and a decent video card. Heck my son plays on a p4 2.8ghx machine with a geforce 7 series video card and he doesnt have any frame rate issues. Now you get to the 40 man raid stuff there maybe a little different story. But he said he wanted to just play wow he didnt say he wanted to play in HD

  19. #18
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    I have an alienware bumblebee case. Clear side to it. Black and yellow accents on it. Full size tower.

  20. #19
    ScrapperStoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    If all you want to do is play wow just buy a cheap p4 with 4 gigs of ram and a decent video card. Heck my son plays on a p4 2.8ghx machine with a geforce 7 series video card and he doesnt have any frame rate issues. Now you get to the 40 man raid stuff there maybe a little different story. But he said he wanted to just play wow he didnt say he wanted to play in HD
    I was just going to caution on that issue...use to play Eve. No matter what the specs say, if you want to enjoy the game make sure your vid cards can handle high frame rates in large crowds. Big battles will cripple you system otherwise. I have a pair of GT7600s around for SLI if anyone can use them.

    Getting back to the MPC. Throw good vid cards in it and a Blue Ray DVD drive. Make sure you have 4GB min. of RAM and a fast 500GB SATA drive to store your movies. It will pay off later.


    PS Make sure the motherboard has HDMI...critical for component connections.

  21. #20
    ilovejunk's Avatar
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    part time scrapper, would a case like this work for you the one in the pics is dirty but i have a couple more of them brand new in the box from a storage unit clean-out that i did. i have a monster import can in the pics for size reference (cause im terribly disorganized and could not find a ruler anywhere)

    if your interested pm me and we can work something out

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