Originally Posted by
Kris Kringle
How does that one work have you got a check Valve So no Used oil will be Sucked into your valves and Flood your engine with Dirty oil?
This is not my idea, I learned this from working in the oil patch. The water truck had a mason jar attached just under the dashboard but in a very accessible and visual setting. The jar screwed into an aluminum top fitted with a ball valve to shut the vacuum off when the jar started filling.
If we have the vacuum line going to the intake manifold the other going to the top of the water or oil tank through the mason jar, your suction hose at the bottom, when the tank and only when the tank is full with water or oil enter the mason. Tough luck got ya if you fall asleep or your daydreaming about watching the peelers after work.
You do not need a particularity heavy tank for this to work because you have an open end the suction hose. If you closed this and forgot to shut down the vacuum your tank would implode. But your covered because the engine would also be full of water or oil if you forgot your vacuum.
If the used oil is contaminated with lots of gasoline, and I mean lots of gasoline in capital letters, the engine is going to idle rough from the rich fumes entering the intake.
At least thats what an old friend told me. Me I just hauled used oil.
Another thing to take into account is how much above sea level your at, the higher up you are the less engine vacuum you have and it will take longer to do the same job had you been at sea level. Isn't science a blast.
Sucking up used oil from an underground tank the two worst things that can happen, your hose will suck itself tight to an inner wall of the tank or you suck up a mechanics discarded rag into your pump. Yes I used a vane pump attached to a PTO run off the transmission.
If by chance you do miss the switch and the engine gets flooded, your not going to turn it over on the starter, not enough power to compress the liquids sitting on top of those pistons. You'll have to pull the spark plugs to clear the engine, no harm done just a bloody nuisance so I'm told by my friend.