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Photobucket Tutorial

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  1. #1
    CMHN started this thread.
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    Photobucket Tutorial

    In this tutorial I will show how to make the "share links" stay visible and how to use them to embed pictures into this forum.

    1- In the upper right corner, next to the search box you will find your account name. Click on the arrow next to it.

    2- Go to account settings

    3 - Click on Album settings

    4 - At the bottom of the page you will see the Links editing area.

    5 - Click which link codes you would like to see all the time, and click the button next to "Always display link options"

    6 - Click the save button and go back to your albums.

    Now your album should look something like this, with all the link codes under your pictures.

    Now to embed the images into your post.

    1- I use the IMG code, this will allow you to directly insert the picture into the text box when you are making your post.

    2 - Left click on the code to highlight it, then immediately right click and copy.

    3 - Go to your post here, right click your mouse and paste.

    4 - You will get a code that looks like this minus the quotes: "IMG][/IMG]"

    5 - You have just imbedded an image in your post.

    I hope this helps some and doesn't totally confuse people.
    CMHN Recycling

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  3. #2
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    wrong thread
    Last edited by Biv467; 03-05-2012 at 06:42 PM. Reason: wrong thread

  4. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Biv467, just so you know, look at the bottom of your post where it says to edit post,click it. Down at the bottom of your post that pops up there is a button that says"delete". When you click that the next view will give you a spot to click "delete message" then hit the "delete post" button and it'll all be gone, like you were never there.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  5. #4
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    Thanks CMHN I can't figure that crap out for the life of me. I will try it again later today. They are going to be unloading some huge 40,000 plus size pieces at the yard today so I will take pictures and post them tonight and see if it works. Gotta love big a$$ scrap.

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