Tuesday Dec6 (coincidently the day before pearl harbor day) the U.S supreme court will decide weather it is legal for fed law enforcement ( or any other for that matter) to be able ,with out your knowledge or permission, and with out a warrent, break into your vehicle and replace your GPS system, with an identical one, with one major difference,the new gift will be able to track your every move, and the info can be downloaded at a distance with wifi.
The largest manufacturer of these devices says they have been doing it for 2 years or more and have purchased 10s of thousands of untraceable units over the counter retail.
there are countles cases of these units discovered by vehicle owners I personaly know of one.
you may think this post dosent belong on a scrap forum, but let me say that scrapping is one of the last bastions of freedom and free enterprise left in this country. If the moderators feel this post should be removed, no harm no foul. Just thought ya all atght to know.