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  1. #1
    TheHoss started this thread.
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    Off topic, my old truck, apparently is RARE (annoying)

    I've got a either 1973, or 1974 F100, 2 wheel drive, automatic C6 rebuilt (so they say) tranny.

    Well, i replaced the starter about 2 months ago. It was tore all to hell. So i installed a new one. Well it tore the flex plate (fly wheel) up. Tore up to the point where i couldnt even turn the crank to get it started. Got er towed home. Got er torn apart.

    Finally got the flex plate out, a few places the teeth are COMPLETELY worn down, just gone. We ordered a new one a few days ago. 2 showed up. 1 weighted/balanced, one not.

    Go to napa to pick one up. Not the right one, holes dont line up. I spend over 2 hours there looking through all their books with them, and on their computer. NOBODY has one that looks like mine. NOBODY.

    I'm wondering, has anybody else had this kind of issue? I highly doubt it, but i'm runnin out of options here.

    Going to the Ford dealership tomorrow to ask. Reckon theyre gonna turn a $65 part into a $365 part.

  2. #2
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Run your VIN through carfax this should tell you what engine you have, also the country of origin your vehicle came from

    Another thought look at your torque converter to see if there are any balance weights welded onto it or not. A C6 is a real common transmission, they even made them for small blocks used in heavy duty service.

    If your transmission looks like this, you have the FMX.

    Last edited by gustavus; 12-11-2011 at 10:40 PM.

  3. #3
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    Could be some kind of custom thing that the PO did.

    If someone ever pulled my transmission to change any parts they would be surprised to find that no stock parts for the vehicle would line up yet all parts installed are OEM...(from a different generation though.)

  4. #4
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    My dad has a 71 ford f100 that he drag races but in the process of restoring now

  5. #5
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    1981 Ford F-150 Pick-Up Explorer Edition

    I had a 1981 Ford F-150 Pick-Up "Explorer" Edition that I had similar experiences with. Every parts store would look it up and say there wasn't and Explorer edition. I would have to always bring in the old parts to match up, because they would always pull the wrong parts.

  6. #6
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight View Post
    I had a 1981 Ford F-150 Pick-Up "Explorer" Edition that I had similar experiences with. Every parts store would look it up and say there wasn't and Explorer edition. I would have to always bring in the old parts to match up, because they would always pull the wrong parts.
    I know I have seen those trucks badged like that before.

    BTW...Isn't every Ford rare and highly sought after?
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  7. #7
    brandon's Avatar
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    the first thing that you need to determine is, what engine do you have. it matters what trans you have but the most important is the engine. since you seem to be having a lot of problems locationg the correct flexplate it sounds like you have a 351M (M=modified), not a lot of parts stores cary parts for those engines. 351 block with 400 internals.
    hope this helps

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrap lap View Post
    Could be some kind of custom thing that the PO did.

    If someone ever pulled my transmission to change any parts they would be surprised to find that no stock parts for the vehicle would line up yet all parts installed are OEM...(from a different generation though.)
    LOL Sounds like most of my rides.... I like to mix it up a little!!! LOL Each of my vehicles is not stock yet a surprising amount is stock just not for that year or model LOL

  10. #10
    TheHoss started this thread.
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    Thanks dewgood, she's a 460. Everything is original, original motor, orginal parts. Everything. The PO put a "scratch" in the dash everytime she rolled over 100k. She's got 4 marks on er, and still runnin strong.

    I FINALLY found a flexplate. Had to go to a salvage yard all the way out in freakin' podunk. Once i got it home, i compared it to one that my buddy had. Mine was lighter than his. (He's got the same truck, just a 75). I did some internet diggin', and found that only 250,000 of my flexplates were EVER made. They're 22 ounces. They discontinued them, and made a 55 ounce model that is now what you will get when you go to a parts store.

    Basically, the whole thing pissed me off, but it's fixed. And runnin.

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