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  1. #1
    Torker Man started this thread.
    Torker Man's Avatar
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    Members profiles.

    I noticed no one really bothers with their profiles or photo albums on here (of the ones that I have seen)

    Here is a Visitor message I put up for anyone who may drop by...

    Torker Man - 10-29-2011, 02:15 PM

    A little about me (for those that may care... LOL)

    Name is Adam, 38 yrs old

    Live in Melbourne, Australia with wife and 2 kids (8 & 10)

    We have a few acres with a couple of horses, a bobcat, a quad bike and other assorted farm type stuff

    I like motorsports, fishing, skiing, camping, and SCRAPPING! even get the kids involved stripping wires and generally smashing stuff up.

    Trying to concentrate on Computer towers, and have (after 2 years) finally found a local buyer for boards etc.. Started a new company called "The P.C Sherrif" offering free e-waste pick ups for local schools, churches, and retail & repair shops. only done 3 pick ups so far, but i can see this will grow quickly.

    Thanks for dropping in,

    Stay Scrappy!!


    Im not saying everyone go do it, but people have different ideas and it could be fun to get a bit crazy in your profile to see if anyone notices...

    anyway, just an idea
    "roaming the streets, looking for treats"

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  3. #2
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I have considered it (profile) but just prefer not to put too much personal info out there that just anyone can read.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
    Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

  4. #3
    admin's Avatar
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    Just so everyone is aware, guests/users not logged in, can't view profiles. Only registered members can view the profiles of other members.

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  6. #4
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Quote Originally Posted by Torker Man View Post
    I noticed no one really bothers with their profiles or photo albums on here (of the ones that I have seen)

    Here is a Visitor message I put up for anyone who may drop by...

    people have different ideas and it could be fun to get a bit crazy in your profile to see if anyone notices...

    anyway, just an idea
    I personally like this idea. I stopped at my introduction post. Thanks for bring this up... Now I'm to work on my profile! =)
    If you like to Scrap the Crap & Cash the Trash - Then Check out our Videos on Youtube!

  7. #5
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Okay I have a question for everyone... I keep getting an error when I try to upload a photo... Image Exceeds your quota by 9.3 KB (Even though it size is only 9.5 KB) etc... what am I doing wrong... very frustrating...

  8. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I keep getting an error when I try to upload a photo... Image Exceeds your quota by 9.3 KB (Even though it size is only 9.5 KB) etc... what am I doing wrong... very frustrating...
    We all use either Photobucket or one of the other programs to store our pic's and upload from our computer to Photobucket. Then from Photobucket direct copy then paste here using the link icon.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  10. #7
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    I should work on my profile...not sure why I have not yet. It has had viewed 400+ times now lol
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
    My Name Stephan Harz
    My YouTube page

  11. #8
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    We all use either Photobucket or one of the other programs to store our pic's and upload from our computer to Photobucket. Then from Photobucket direct copy then paste here using the link icon.
    Thank you I will try that!!!

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