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The scrapper and his/her home foundry

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  1. #1
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    The scrapper and his/her home foundry

    First picture the patterns are laid out in the box then dusted with chalk, sand is tamped in around the patterns using the tamper in picture 3.

    The tapered table leg standing upright in the sand is for my sprue hole, this is where the molten aluminum gets poured into the mold.

    Picture 5 is an old hunting knife, a cut down spoon and a drink straw, these tools are used to cut in gates, the straw is used to gently blow away any loose sand that may have fallen into the cavities.

    Picture 6 is the open core box with all patterns removed, this is ready for a pour, number 7 is just after the pour.

    Picture 8 is the pour after it has cooled and removed from the sand, each item has to be cut free from the sprue. The long piece of aluminum that everything is attached to is so that when the patterns are cooling down inside the mold they shrink. As they shrink they will draw in aluminum from that large piece to replace the loss.

    Picture 9 is to show how much detail can be picked up using sand casting. The imperfections in the pattern came from years of use as a logo on the fuel tank of an old chainsaw. I could have used some auto body filler the fill them in. Just as you would filling holes in drywall, then sand everything smooth.

    On the bottom of the Scuba mold you can see evidence of auto body filler at work. also filler work on the fishing weight mold.

    The pieces I cast cast in this round, the thing with the handle is for making 5 lb scuba weight molds that the divers use on their belts. The other is a fishing weight mold, last there was a bit of room left in the core box so I made Pat another Rosette.

    The upper box is drilled the lower has a pin to mate up keeping the patterns registered for mating, my core box's are home made.

    Picture 10 is a finished Scuba mold as it would appear on auction.

    Learning how to cast and building a home foundry can be very rewarding, you can turn your scrap $0.70 a pound aluminum into $10.00 a pound profit very easily by casting something that is in demand.

    There is a forum dedicated to the home foundry, this is not the place to teach the art. I'm only throwing out some ideas then to give some incentive to try something new..

    Last edited by gustavus; 12-16-2011 at 02:19 PM.

  2. #2
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Great work Gus!

    You show a great vast of projects over a broad span of interests.

    May I ask how much help you employ? You have a great many projects with much success while having a huge supply of resources.

    I see many other scrappers without such resource to rely on. Any way you could convert your expertise to help the average Joe make rent?
    Last edited by injunjoe; 12-16-2011 at 02:27 PM.
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
    no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

    I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie

  3. #3
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    Great work Gus!
    Thanks, it's the closest anyone could ever get to legalized counterfeiting.

  4. #4
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Thanks, it's the closest anyone could ever get to legalized counterfeiting.
    You Sir are a master of many a craft.

    My Grandfather was such a man, he was a great teacher, Please do teach the willing.
    Last edited by injunjoe; 12-16-2011 at 02:33 PM.

  5. #5
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    You Sir are a master of many a craft.

    My Grandfather was such a man, he was a great teacher, Please do teach the willing.
    I have an email address associated with this forum account feel free to use it.

    You asked in the above post how many do I employ - it's a one man show. I was only blessed with one boy had I known what I was going to get would have pulled out sooner.

    I myself have an Internet tutor, a chemist helping me through some rough spots.

  6. #6
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    I have an email address associated with this forum account feel free to use it.

    You asked in the above post how many do I employ - it's a one man show. I was only blessed with one boy had I known what I was going to get would have pulled out sooner.

    I myself have an Internet tutor, a chemist helping me through some rough spots.
    Thank you for that!

    I hope the boy comes around my friend.

    Much luck and a Merry Christmas to you.

  7. #7
    alloy2 is online now Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    The prospecting trip turned out to be a holiday. B.C. has become a very expensive place to live.

    I have decided to move back to Manitoba and build a new foundry furnace from the 6 bags of refractory and get back into metal casting.

    Processing electronic scrap cost me more money than I'll ever recover

    Time to settle down and enjoy my retirement with it's megar pension.

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  9. #8
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    I think of you often and have wondered what adventures you have been one. I hope you get to the place you will enjoy. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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