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Building a portfolio

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  1. #1
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Building a portfolio

    For those who have had dealings with me in the past and or would like to add something to my portfolio about what you think about me (Stephan Harz) and or of/about my company of (Easy Recycle) please send me an e-mail. If you don't have my e-mail just shoot me a pm.

    Now I would all so like to say if you feel that I have done something wrong by you and did not provide the level of service that you feel that I should have please send me your e-mails as well. As I feel both the good and the bad things help grow a company as if one dose not know where he is making mistakes they can not be fixed.

    So I welcome both good and bad.

    P.s I will not share your e-mail to anyone unless you give me permission, Those who will see my portfolio would be companies that I am working with so they know what other people think about me. So if you want to state your name. e-mail, phone number or just your SMF ID name it would be up to you.

    And thank you all for the help you have given me to get me to the point where I am now.
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
    My Name Stephan Harz
    My YouTube page

  2. #2
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Now there is a good business man. Looking for feedback both positive and negative.

  3. #3
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    I think its a smart thing...if you only know the good things of what people say about your company and never the can you ever fix the bad issues so that you can make your company stick smoother and faster?

    The sad thing far no one has sent me anything good or bad. But will keep an eye out to see what pops up if anything.

  4. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    how can you ever fix the bad issues so that you can make your company stick smoother and faster?
    Just run around the warehouse nude, works everytime.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  6. #5
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Easy I have yet to deal with your company based souley on the price points. Your advertised prices are to low to make it worth my while to ship to you unless I have 500 pounds in a gaylord. I think for the small timer or part timer like myself your business model doesnt fit for us. Now your willingness to share your info and everything else on this forum with us has been priceless. But again in my opinion that is what a forum is for. I know I for one am doing this to make extra money and not a living. I am willing to share my knowledge with anyone anytime just ask area67. I drove 2 hours just to show him everything I know. Again I love the fact you share so much with all of us but I business is business and no one is in it to loose money. I hope to get to the point I can send you a gaylord of boards. Its getting closer and closer every month.

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  8. #6
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    I whole heartly 2nd PartTimeScrapper, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  9. #7
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Thanked 1,182 Times in 518 Posts one thing I need to work on if for the small time scrappers. So let me ask you this...

    What matters more to you.

    Free shipping?
    Better pricing?

    I can work on getting getting better prices and or giving a free shipping option. I would have to be a little more picky when it comes to the items being sent (the amount of metal thats on the boards) and everything being graded as it needs to be so it can just run across the scale and into our boxes.

    But...what one would mean more..the free shipping or better pricing?

  10. #8
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    I know for me they go hand in hand. If i can get free shipping from you and you pay $1 per pound. Im loosing money. Shipping runs me about $.80 per pound. So when i figure it out for me I Take it all into consideration. COmes down to how much money is going into my pocket. Free shipping is a gimick because you just take it out of the price you pay. BUt if you were paying only $.50 lees than another and paying the shipping thats a net gain of $.30 a pound for me. I think the thing that matters to me as a small timer is getting the cash ASAP. I cant afford in most cases to wait the shipping time to you. THen you have to grade it and cut the check. Then shipping of the check back to me. I need the cash pronto so I dont miss out on another buy. Granted this is slowly becomming a non issue as my bank account is growing. Keep up the good work and cant wait for my first gaylord transaction.

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  12. #9
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    As I have said before, free shipping counts. I been running to jersey...usually get a payout like 260 usd and then burn 30 in gas..give or take. So 230 profit. Now if I can get the same shipping for 30 I probably be happy. Actually Im debating on whether to do like everyone else. Take the hard drive boards off to save shipping weight. Grab the gold connector from the floppies rest in shred. You get the idea.....

  13. #10
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    Again, second what PTS said. Free shipping is just another way of saying more money. Either way the money in the pocket is most important. The convienence of you arranging the lowest priced shipping is another factor. If you can get shipping cheaper than I can then more money in the pocket. When someone tells me they are going to give me something for free I get suspicious, perhaps just a fault I have.

    Imediate payment is much less important to me. Again PTS got it right, I have some spare money on hand so not a big deal for me.

    Competing just on price alone is not going to make it for me. I require good service as well. I would be entrusting you with the fruits of my labor and ingenuity so trust is a big deal. I have every indication that you are trustworthy. So if you want to compete for the small guy price does matter. I hope for your continued sucess, Mike.

  14. #11
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Take the hard drive boards off to save shipping weight. Grab the gold connector from the floppies rest in shred.
    The floppy drives have a mini board in them, and HD boards are around $10. a lb now.

  15. #12
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    PTS we can wire the money into your bank account most of the the money is in your account with in 12hours in most cases (we go to your bank here and put the money into your account...once we drop the money off it should hit your account with in a few mins)

    I will have to look at what we can do but there is not much we can do when it comes to small loads as I have to look at the labor point of that may not be the same now as we will have better shipping center due to the new warehouse that we have but I am unsure at this time what we can or cant do.

    Either way I will work on it and see what I can do.

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  17. #13
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Just trying to help you see it from the small guys point of view is all. Im not complaining about your business structure. You have to make money just like the rest of us. If it doesnt make sence for you to buy from the small guy then dont. I still look forward to the day I have a gaylord full of boards and send you an email and you blow the price the other guys are willing to pay out of the water.

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