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I did read every word George. I, too, am glad you went to the Dr. The fact that you posted that you were having chest pains DID concern us all. You did say you'd had them all your life, but you didn't tell us the whole story. So we worry and we send up (?) prayers ( which doesn't matter because God knows what's going on anyway) , we post concern....THEN you tell us that it's not that big of a deal....that if it persists MAYBE you'll go to the Doctor. George, telling you that you need to see a therapist is not an insult. Therapy, for the educated (self or formal) no longer holds the stigma that it once did. Haven't you heard? The very fact that you were insulted answers that for me. I would advise anyone I know to get help immediately if they have a life-long problem and have not kept going to specialists until they received a definitive diagnosis. The Mayo Clinic is famous for finding the root cause of all kinds of symptoms. You admitted stubbornness, as if that kept you from being responsible and taking care of your health. You talk about having more businesses than you can shake a stick at and yet you spend your time scrapping. Not many business men scrap. My point is that nobody likes a braggart. I'm not saying that you don't have all these businesses, and forums and whatever, but I'm inclined to believe that these are shields to inflate your fragile ego. My statement that I would advise therapy still stands....and it is only because I care about you.