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  1. #21
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    George you sound like your old enough to have had to put in some military time, you would have had a full medical examination which would have revealed your Pectus excavatum ( hollowed chest ) you would hen have had full knowledge of your medical condition then not had to rely of other people hearsay.

    You also old enough not to have the need for pampering, I'm sure that there are others on this forum much worse off than you are. If you refuse to see a Doctor at least pay a visit to a priest or Rabbi of your choosing.

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  3. #22
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    GE0. I'm going to have to go with gus on this one. Your cavalier attitude toward you health is a sign of serious immaturity. Especially after getting us all concerned...then you play it down. I believe you need to go to a licensed therapist who can help you deal with these issues.

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  5. #23
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    George you sound like your old enough to have had to put in some military time, you would have had a full medical examination which would have revealed your Pectus excavatum ( hollowed chest ) you would hen have had full knowledge of your medical condition then not had to rely of other people hearsay.

    You also old enough not to have the need for pampering, I'm sure that there are others on this forum much worse off than you are. If you refuse to see a Doctor at least pay a visit to a priest or Rabbi of your choosing.
    I am 26, but with no military time. Funny as it sounds, I missed going in by 2 points, thanks to the math tests.

    I wasn't asking for pampering/babying or anything else. Just a prayer that it is nothing more serious, then what I have been used to all of my life is all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster-Dee View Post
    GE0. I'm going to have to go with gus on this one. Your cavalier attitude toward you health is a sign of serious immaturity. Especially after getting us all concerned...then you play it down. I believe you need to go to a licensed therapist who can help you deal with these issues.
    Dee, with all due respect, I may be a lot of things (especially from what I am told over the years growing up), but immature is definitely not one of them. I lost my mother when I was 14 years old, and basically have taken care of myself since then. And no, I have never said or believed that I am better or worse than anyone else.

    Also, if I were to play this all down, this thread would not exist. You must not have read the parts, that these pains have been ongoing for over 10 years now. Not something, that I am NOT used to. I just don't care to pay hundreds or thousands in hospital expenses or doctors expenses to be fed the same Bologna that I have gotten all my life.

    This does have me concerned, especially when it has NEVER lasted this long...right now, it hurts if I move a certain way, and especially if I press the area. Which is why, soon as my wife gets back, I am going to the ER to get checked out. I am sure it is nothing, but I much rather be safe, then dead.

    Also, your comment of a licensed therapist is not needed. Read everything I have written in this thread, and you will see why.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  6. #24
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Is there any particular charity that you favor over another that I could pledge a donation on your passing.

    When it become known that my father had terminal cancer, they operated on him installing a colostomy bag, First day out of the hospital he's out mowing the lawn when a buddy of mine tells me what a jerk I am.

    I told him that he should then go over and demand that my father remove himself form the mower then hop into his death bed where he belonged. My father was an avid gardener when he become ill I planted the vegetable crop, he would drag himself along the rows weeding. Pretty pathetic to watch but the man was going to finish his days the way he seen fit.

    He passed his final moments in his home with family, that was a very rewarding experience. Sure I hated to see him leave, after all he had become my best friend, but with the pain he was going through it would have been selfish of me to ask him to stay longer.

    I agree with you on one count Geo, you've been dealt a bad hand, its time to man up.
    Last edited by gustavus; 12-20-2011 at 02:30 PM.

  7. #25
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    well the winner of the main, was something that i did yesterday caused something in my chest wall to get inflamed. i have costochrondritis. Doctor gave me some anti inflamatory meds that i take 2 a day for a week.

    Thanks everyone for the concern.

    I was trying to play off the pain but going on almost 24 hours, i realized it wasnt exactly the same as the last 10+ years.

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  9. #26
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    I for one am glad you went to the doc!

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  11. #27
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Is there any particular charity that you favor over another that I could pledge a donation on your passing.

    When it become known that my father had terminal cancer, they operated on him installing a colostomy bag, First day out of the hospital he's out mowing the lawn when a buddy of mine tells me what a jerk I am.

    I told him that he should then go over and demand that my father remove himself form the mower then hop into his death bed where he belonged. My father was an avid gardener when he become ill I planted the vegetable crop, he would drag himself along the rows weeding. Pretty pathetic to watch but the man was going to finish his days the way he seen fit.

    He passed his final moments in his home with family, that was a very rewarding experience. Sure I hated to see him leave, after all he had become my best friend, but with the pain he was going through it would have been selfish of me to ask him to stay longer.

    I agree with you on one count Geo, you've been dealt a bad hand, its time to man up.
    Your dad and mine sound a lot a like. My father was the same. He was always out doing something regardless of being sick or not.

    He didnt let anything really get him down.

    Unfortunately, he developed some aneurisms in his refused to operate, put him on meds, meals and wheels, etc.

    The only thing i ever regretted was not being there when he passed but was grateful to have one last 3 hour conversation with him the night before he passed away.

    Ps. whenever i do pass on, you can make the donation to eithr st jude or any charity that does breast cancer.
    Last edited by GeorgeB; 12-20-2011 at 02:50 PM.

  12. #28
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    Now we feel better but atleast you had the guts to admit something was wrong with you in the first place, so many people ignore their health.
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  14. #29
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ptscrapper View Post
    Now we feel better but atleast you had the guts to admit something was wrong with you in the first place, so many people ignore their health.
    Yeah, I knew something was/had to be wrong when it definitely was not going away.

    Even then, I just felt like I bruised the area some how, and then this morning, it was still there, so I decided it was time.

    Next time (hopefully there isn't none), I won't wait as long.

    Just stubborness makes us all do things we shouldn't.

  15. #30
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    Being a carpenter by trade, I've move a lot of lumber over the years and the back would start screaming sometimes, but I found if I smacked my thumb with my hammer I didn't think about my back anymore.
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  17. #31
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    I did read every word George. I, too, am glad you went to the Dr. The fact that you posted that you were having chest pains DID concern us all. You did say you'd had them all your life, but you didn't tell us the whole story. So we worry and we send up (?) prayers ( which doesn't matter because God knows what's going on anyway) , we post concern....THEN you tell us that it's not that big of a deal....that if it persists MAYBE you'll go to the Doctor. George, telling you that you need to see a therapist is not an insult. Therapy, for the educated (self or formal) no longer holds the stigma that it once did. Haven't you heard? The very fact that you were insulted answers that for me. I would advise anyone I know to get help immediately if they have a life-long problem and have not kept going to specialists until they received a definitive diagnosis. The Mayo Clinic is famous for finding the root cause of all kinds of symptoms. You admitted stubbornness, as if that kept you from being responsible and taking care of your health. You talk about having more businesses than you can shake a stick at and yet you spend your time scrapping. Not many business men scrap. My point is that nobody likes a braggart. I'm not saying that you don't have all these businesses, and forums and whatever, but I'm inclined to believe that these are shields to inflate your fragile ego. My statement that I would advise therapy still stands....and it is only because I care about you.

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  19. #32
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster-Dee View Post
    I did read every word George. I, too, am glad you went to the Dr. The fact that you posted that you were having chest pains DID concern us all. You did say you'd had them all your life, but you didn't tell us the whole story. So we worry and we send up (?) prayers ( which doesn't matter because God knows what's going on anyway) , we post concern....THEN you tell us that it's not that big of a deal....that if it persists MAYBE you'll go to the Doctor. George, telling you that you need to see a therapist is not an insult. Therapy, for the educated (self or formal) no longer holds the stigma that it once did. Haven't you heard? The very fact that you were insulted answers that for me. I would advise anyone I know to get help immediately if they have a life-long problem and have not kept going to specialists until they received a definitive diagnosis. The Mayo Clinic is famous for finding the root cause of all kinds of symptoms. You admitted stubbornness, as if that kept you from being responsible and taking care of your health. You talk about having more businesses than you can shake a stick at and yet you spend your time scrapping. Not many business men scrap. My point is that nobody likes a braggart. I'm not saying that you don't have all these businesses, and forums and whatever, but I'm inclined to believe that these are shields to inflate your fragile ego. My statement that I would advise therapy still stands....and it is only because I care about you.
    That is right, because to me, it was no big deal. When you live with someone for so long, and it has become a part of every day life, you just tend not to worry about it anymore. Only reason I got concerned, because the pain stayed, and would not go away. Never has happened before, but then again, never had something in my chest get inflamed either.

    Going to multiple specialists is alright, if you keep getting the same diagnosis, but when you get a different one each time, you see a new doctor, or specialist, then after a while, you say the heck with it. After a while, you will end up with 50 different supposed things wrong with you.

    We all have stubborness about one thing or another. We may not all admit it all the time, but we all have them.

    Regarding my businesses. I currently have 3. As everyone knows, my auction site is new, and have not spent a lot of time advertising or anything else.

    My investment company, I mainly dealt with cash flow notes...then one day, find that 98% of my investors stopped buying and was moving to fix and flips, rehabs, REOs, everything but cash flows.

    Then, I realized I had 2 options. Sell, or come up with another niche that I could invest with. Then I discovered Short Sales, and Wholesaling RE, which will be ginning in February or March one.

    I do scrapping because I love to tear things apart and smash them into a million pieces, and because I can help my clients save hundreds of dollars, and still offer the same level of professional service that places like 1800gotjunk and junkbgone can do, for a fraction of the price.

    You say not many businessman scrap...well I say that, I know several handful that do, and they are in my backyard (figuratively speaking), and on this forum. Don't mean to come off as a bragger...I have only answered people's questions here and there, and have talked about how my RE investing works out well with doing scrapping and junk hauling.

  20. #33
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  21. #34
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    Firstly i have only just seens your request for prayers, apologies.
    Im really pleased that you did finally go and see a Doctor, you say that you are stubborn and get fed-up with seeing different Doctors and each time receiving a different diagnosis, honestly George i know exactly what you mean.

    However mate, i know that it is extremely frustrating but you must continue to get medical attention when required and dont leave it too long!

    Keep taking the tablets, stay strong mate!
    BE Lucky

    A prayer goes out to you for a speedy recovery mate.
    Be Lucky

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  23. #35
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    yeah i alway go when it is something that i know for sure isnt normal.

    With the stuff that has happened for years, by the time a doc sees you, it is gone and they just send you home.

  24. #36
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    I think the pain was caused by the lack of being picked at. Sorry Geo I will try harder, that will be my new years resolution.
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  26. #37
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    last time I was stubborn I spent 23 days in Maine Med . with congestive heart failure , please take care of yourself
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  27. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    yeah i alway go when it is something that i know for sure isnt normal.
    Yeah i understand what you are saying mate, you know when the pains are different from the "normal " pain?

    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    With the stuff that has happened for years, by the time a doc sees you, it is gone and they just send you home.
    But you just have to keep an eye on things mate, and when the pains are different try to get seen by medical staff ASAP

    Be Lucky

  28. #39
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipRAT View Post
    Yeah i understand what you are saying mate, you know when the pains are different from the "normal " pain?

    But you just have to keep an eye on things mate, and when the pains are different try to get seen by medical staff ASAP

    Be Lucky
    Hard to explain, but yeah. Certain things I have been used to for YEARS...those have never been life threatening or damaging, so I just let them pass. This was a different story. Just glad that it wasn't nothing serious.

  29. #40
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    By all means go to the Doctor! Don't think about the bill or the time spent there, just do it!! Your Body is trying to tell you something. Ignoring or secound guessing it wont make it go away. At least do it for your loved ones!! And piece of mind.

    You have my prayers. God Bless You

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