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Expenses ??

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  1. #1
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    Expenses ??

    I kinda got to vent and also ask a question. Seems to me I spend 20 a day in fuel, 10 for 2 packs of smokes and 20 to eat. So thats 50 a day just to live and make the truck move. On those days it seems like I only bring in 80 a day.

    How are you guys fairing? ABout the same or what? Oh and dont forgot the 10 in diesel a day to heat the garage.

    It just sucks when I spend 60 a day to live and make money only to profit 20. And this is going on a lot lately with all the wannabee scrappers out there. How do you guys do it?

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Well, I don't smoke so I gained an extra $10. a day. Don't feel bad because there's a ton of people out working $8 or $9 per hour jobs and after taxes their barely scraping by. I see them lined up outside the food banks waiting to get in.
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  4. #3
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    I guess your right. Maybe I should quit It just aggravates the piss out of me all my hard earned money goes out for food, gas, and smokes. Then there none left for bills. Trying to figure out how to cut corners. Actually was gonna run a hose from the propane tank to the the throttle body on my truck, but decided that was a accident waiting to happen..lmao.

    Hmm smoker and leaky bbq grill hose,,,,hmmm ...BOOM>>LMAo

  5. #4
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I always pack my lunch when I'm gone for the day....usually leftovers from the night before. You should be able to feed the whole famn damily for $20.
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  7. #5
    deno's Avatar
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    I feel your pain ozzy214 that area code says same story here.....It's even hard to by material at the auctions everyone's closing the profit margin

  8. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Actually was gonna run a hose from the propane tank to the the throttle body on my truck, but decided that was a accident waiting to happen..lmao.
    AS far as the smoking, I quit the week they threw me into the hospital and told me I was fixing to die. I quit smoking, salt and caffeine all that week. Man I was like a bear with a sore a$$. There is an adapter for your vehicle to run propane or natural gas thru it. Our big gas/electric supplier around northern Ind. uses natural gas in all their service vehicles, also in the vehicles used for meter reading.

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  10. #7
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    i dont leave unless i have a pick up lined up in pick up scheduled then make some cold calls

  11. #8
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Good luck trying to install that on a Fuel Injected Vehicle. It will work on a A carb vehicle there is lots of Information that is left out of the article namely one important factor the CFM rating of the Induction system {Convertor = Carb } They not cheap New.
    I'm sure it's not a simple deal, but Nipsco has them on all their new cars and trucks, and their all fuel injected in the begining . It's cheaper for them cause their ordering a fleet of vehicles and they own part of a nat.gas pipeline. Google had a sh*tton of info available on retrofitting a vehicle. Why would it be any harder than retrofitting a forklift to propane?? Propane is cheap, might be worth changing a scrapping vehicle over, just carry a spare tank in a secure rack.
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 12-21-2011 at 01:12 AM.

  12. #9
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    It's like any other business. Has it's ups and downs. When it's down you have to learn how to conserve. When it's up you have to learn how to save. Find yourself some cheaper smokes. Or cut back some. Chew some gum in between those 40 cigs a day. $20 a day for one man to eat? You got to be kidding me, right? Dude if you don't bring your own lunch you could still eat on lot less. As for the fuel cost, well some cost we just have to bear to stay in business. However, you could make sure your vehicle is properly tuned and tires are inflated properly. Regular oil changes and plugs n wires n such. And remember at the end of the day a $20 profit (although small) is way better than $0.00.

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  14. #10
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    20 bucks for lunch what are you eating steak for lunch everyday. When I used to be broke I could feed myself for five or six bucks a day and have leftovers. A lb. of chip chop or any cheap lunch meat and the cheapest bag of bbq chips they make. Put the meat inbetween two chips and boom instant mini sandwich. **** I miss those days of being broke. The phrase more money more problems is 100 percent correct.

  15. #11
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    Ok I will correct that. Its 20 a day, because I eat one meal a day normally. And thats when the old lady comes along. Stop at the local diner and 10 a person. Sorry I should made myself clearer. Usually its 10 for myself. I guess ya right + money is better than nothing.

  16. #12
    Victor's Avatar
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    Cutting expenses and a consistent stream of material for income seems to be issues for alot of us. Myself included.

    In your shoes....this is what I would do.

    1. 4 smokes a day. One in the morning, one at lunch, one after dinner, one before bed.

    2. Road meals are tap water and every once in a while change it up with a can or two of soda if you get a nice haul. Jar of mayo, 1lb of turkey, and a loaf of bread will get you 5 days of breakfast and lunch at one sandwich per meal. Your looking at $10-$15 per week max. Even 2 McDoubles are $2 so your looking at lets say 3 a shift for a 5 day week....that's still $15.

    3. Stop driving around looking. It burns gas and creates down time. Move the truck only when you have a reason to move it. Otherwise get back home and map out routes and start calling on "customers". Get some flyers to the paper route guys and start stuffing newspapers. When your out and about on other business, start handing out flyers. Networking doesn't burn fuel. You need set routes and consistent flow of material. Driving around on a hope and a payer don't get it done. Those are the pick-ups you make along the way while your going somewhere else.

    I have done the above for years on a part time basis in this business. It works for me.....

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  18. #13
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    I really liked all responses here but Victor did a great job of showing how to set priorities. Thanks to all, Mike.
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    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  19. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozzy214 View Post
    I kinda got to vent and also ask a question. Seems to me I spend 20 a day in fuel, 10 for 2 packs of smokes and 20 to eat. So thats 50 a day just to live and make the truck move. On those days it seems like I only bring in 80 a day.

    How are you guys fairing? ABout the same or what? Oh and dont forgot the 10 in diesel a day to heat the garage.

    It just sucks when I spend 60 a day to live and make money only to profit 20. And this is going on a lot lately with all the wannabee scrappers out there. How do you guys do it?
    You can cut your expenses quite a bit with a little work.

    1. Stop smoking, it bad for you every one knows it

    2. find a wood stove some one is ditching. Wood is usually free

    3. 20 for food? I can feed my wife and I for 3 days on 20 bucks. dont eat out. Ramen noodles are your friend for lunch and an easy dinner cooked at home for 3-5 bucks is much better for you.

    Thats how i keep my expenses down.

    1. plan my routes using google maps

    2. heat the garage with wood people throw to the curb

    3 dont smoke or eat out.

  20. #15
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    You can easily double your $20 profit by pulling in the reins on your expenses.

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  22. #16
    parrothead's Avatar
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    I have a top-o-matic rolliong machine. It cost me $60, but I make my own for $1.50 per pack. At the end of the day while you unwind in front of the TV or listening to music, crank out the next days' smokes.

    Don't settle for top tobacco or any of that crap though. Find yourself a nice tobacco store that specializes in roll your own. They will give you a sample and create a blend to your liking.

  23. #17
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    My wife's doctor told her if she can't quit at least roll your own with pipe tobacco. He explained that is the only tobacco without all the additives/chemicals in it. It is a healthy smoke if there is such a thing.

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