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I kinda got to vent and also ask a question. Seems to me I spend 20 a day in fuel, 10 for 2 packs of smokes and 20 to eat. So thats 50 a day just to live and make the truck move. On those days it seems like I only bring in 80 a day.
How are you guys fairing? ABout the same or what? Oh and dont forgot the 10 in diesel a day to heat the garage.
It just sucks when I spend 60 a day to live and make money only to profit 20. And this is going on a lot lately with all the wannabee scrappers out there. How do you guys do it?
You can cut your expenses quite a bit with a little work.
1. Stop smoking, it bad for you every one knows it
2. find a wood stove some one is ditching. Wood is usually free
3. 20 for food? I can feed my wife and I for 3 days on 20 bucks. dont eat out. Ramen noodles are your friend for lunch and an easy dinner cooked at home for 3-5 bucks is much better for you.
Thats how i keep my expenses down.
1. plan my routes using google maps
2. heat the garage with wood people throw to the curb
3 dont smoke or eat out.