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wake up call. Are we brain dead?

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    wake up call. Are we brain dead?

    The largest and most expensive building project ever undertaken in the U.S. in cluding the entire interstate system. Is the new San Francisco/Okland bay bridge Yaaa heres all those thousands of shovel ready jobs promised to fix the economy not to mention the hundreds of billions pumped into the economy.

    one minor problem: it will be built by chinese contractors, using chinese concreat and chinese steal. this is not conjecture, it is fact, the contracts are already signed.

    In the current condition of our economy, to me this is out right treasion.

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  3. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    One-word answer - "money". The State will save 400 million dollars. The Chinese have been getting several municipal construction jobs all over the country. They build the parts which are shipped here to be constructed by American labor. The sooner we learn to compete, the sooner we'll get our factories back. Same principle as why individual cry about low wages but then shop at WalMart etc.
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  4. #3
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    not sure I agree with the money saving aspect when you consider hundreds of thousands getting unemployment for years on end, and a trillion dollar foodstamp/welfare bill.

    there is little disparity in the wages of china and the U.S. today then there was in the 50s and 60s when our prevailing wage was .75 per hr and china was .10 per day. the difference is corporate and government greed. and all the technogy we exported to china, along with a business punishing regulatory plutracy. just my .o2

  5. #4
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    The USA is a joke. Where is the protectionalism if thats a word.We need tariffs so high they can't afford to send there contaimenated junk here and walmart has to buy american like sam walton originally intended to do. America needs to cancel the WTO membership and worry about why we have 14 million unemployed because we shipped thos jobs overseas.

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  7. #5
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    remember back in the early 80s when that wierd little guy from TX said if we join the wto and impliment the fair trade act, all we would gain is a giant sucking sound of jobs leaving the country just goes to show ya wierd little guys are some times right. his name was Ross Paroit , we have anoter today no one who has the power to do any thing is listening to, Ron Paul, just another wierd little guy with another wierd name who dosent stand a chance.

    Did you know at one time not too long ago, in order for a corporation to recieve their charter they had to prove their benifit for the greater good of America and the community they were operating in. Big corporations are no longer American they are world citizens and care not one whit wether we sink or not, we no longer have the discretionary funds to feed their greed any way, we are no longer even an after thought.

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  9. #6
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    huge corporations suck and we are paying more for everything now then ever before gotta make that record profit every quarter.

  10. #7
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    America did have a culture, at one time we were recognised as , independent ,free, self sufficiant, inventive,industrious, creative and many other atributes,

    Peolpe came to this country to become proud Americans, they learned the language, worked hard enjoyed the freedom.

    that culture has been destroyed, by imagrents, most of whom are illegal. who care not what they can do to contribute to the American culture. the dont learn the language unless they absolutly have to, in order to survive, they no longer care to be Americans, they prefer to be hyphonated always putting theyr real homeland first. the send the profits out of the country. the education system has been converted to a socialist training camp.

    most no longer respect the constitution,unless it directly benifits them at the cost of some one else. each no longer wants to be an American and enjoy and promote the American culture. they instead want to instute for all others their culture, wether it be Sharia law, Jewish law Christian fundamentalist law. Hindeu, Mexican or whatever. Ethnicity is not and never has been the problem, it is plain and simple multiculturalism. just look at any east indian, arabic. African or near eastern country, they have been fightine each other for thousands of years, not just country to country, but with in their own boarders, tribe to tribe, culture, against culture. This is the new America.

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  12. #8
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    I dont care about politics just bring back our manufacting and make the middle class strong again. how many introduction posts have u read that say I started scrapping because I lost my job. We need a strong middle class not poor and rich. America makes me want to puke now a days.

  13. #9
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    the power structure does not want a middle class, they want what the rest of the world has , workers and owners i.e. rich and poor.

  14. #10
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    I heard on the radio tonight that GM is remodeling 60 or 70 of their showrooms. Now where do you suppose they got the money for that !!!

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  16. #11
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    Speaking of GM...the Chevy Volt is on track to achieve "Cash for Clunker" status quicker then any car or truck yet. Toyota has a glitch and they roast them, but Government Motors has a problem and your lucky if you even hear about it.
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  18. #12
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    The Chevy Volt. Like a Crock.

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  20. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    The largest and most expensive building project ever undertaken in the U.S. in cluding the entire interstate system. Is the new San Francisco/Okland bay bridge Yaaa heres all those thousands of shovel ready jobs promised to fix the economy not to mention the hundreds of billions pumped into the economy.

    one minor problem: it will be built by chinese contractors, using chinese concreat and chinese steal. this is not conjecture, it is fact, the contracts are already signed.

    In the current condition of our economy, to me this is out right treasion.
    Made in China! One year limited warranty. (small print) is bridge fails and there was a car on said bridge...then said bridge was over loaded and caused the bridge to fail. We are not held at fault. (end of small print) lmao.
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  22. #14
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    the Chevy Volt is on track to achieve "Cash for Clunker" status
    That's got to be the most overpriced POS I've seen in a while. It will run about a 100 miles before recharging at a price of MSRP of $40,000. More than most of us make clear a year.
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  23. #15
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    I guess it all depends on whose ox is being gored. Don't know what scrap metal prices would look like if so much of it wasn't being shipped to China and other Asian nations. Just saying.

  24. #16
    c4f5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by metaljacket View Post
    I guess it all depends on whose ox is being gored. Don't know what scrap metal prices would look like if so much of it wasn't being shipped to China and other Asian nations. Just saying.
    They would probably be low enough to weed out the wannbe's

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  26. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by c4f5 View Post
    They would probably be low enough to weed out the wannbe's
    Around here we have a few dedicated scrappers and the rest are blue-sky scrappers.

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