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My Used Gift Exchange!:

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  1. #1
    DumbD started this thread.
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    My Used Gift Exchange!:

    Hello all! Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays.

    I was looking around my storage space and counting to see If I had enough to do this idea for a "Used Gift Exchange" for fun tommorrow.

    My family has gotten so large we used to pick names (secret) on Thanksgiving,
    then buy just one gift for that person. Then it got to my mum buying everything,
    we pick numbers (on paper) then choose a wrapped gift to open.
    The next person picks a gift and opens it, but can then trade it with a previous gift people before them opened. (so the higher the # the better in this method).

    Well here's how I'll do this funny version tommorrow:
    I Plan to set each gift /set out un-wrapped.
    I'll make #'s (one # for each couple, one for each child).
    Lowest #'s pick first, and there's NO trading like the wrapped method.
    My one brother who flew in will go first though, since luggage and all gettign home I'm thinking.

    Here's an example of some of the stuff:
    -A rubber raft with paddles (in box, looks new)
    -an electric weed-whacker
    -a set of kitchen knives in block, and like new frying pan
    -an ax
    -some toy cars
    -a small mirror that mounts like a picture frame
    -a vacuum cleaner
    -Ice skates (neice, and sister-in-law size)
    -can't remember the rest right now.
    Think it's a good Idea not to wrap, since people will get what they can use.
    I'll probably scribble on carboard "Uncle D's Used Gift Exchange" to be funny.

    well Merry Christmas everybody! Maybe some other scrappers will like this idea and have time to do similar I was thinking. Thanks for feedback!

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  3. #2
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Nice idea.

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