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What we did on Christmas break...

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  1. #1
    KzScrapper started this thread.
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    What we did on Christmas break...

    Wife and I will celebrate our 20th anniversary this summer, should be 21 but I asked her to marry me after only dating 3 months and after getting the stink eye from her mom for weeks on end, we decided to postpone a year. If I didn't love her so much I might have strangled her this past week. Here's the Readers Digest Condensed version.

    Wife is a teacher and worked summer school two summers ago to buy new furniture...
    Wife wants very specific leather couch, the arms and color are non-negotiable...
    This brings me close to the above unlawful act several times, but we press on...
    We host X-mas Eve for 20 some family and need room to set up tables in living room...
    I cut up loveseat and put in trash to make room/expedite couch purchase...
    With Christmas being done we go shopping...
    After going to about 6 stores, wife points to one and said "That works"...
    I'm a little surprised, arms good-color good-but not leather, price is perfect tho...
    I purchase load and get it home, cut up other couch for trash, almost golden...
    Now need two chairs to replace loveseat and she finds to candidates on Craigslist...
    Go to look at chairs and when man opens garage...wait for it......
    There is THE COUCH she has been searching for, for a year and a half...
    Chairs and couch used in formal living room and in perfect shape, we take the chairs...
    All the way home wife is racking brain as to how to swap couches...
    I just smile and grip steering wheel so I won't, see above...
    Knowing this may not go away, I call couch dude and tell him "I'll take couch"...
    Next morning go get couch without wife knowing...
    Later in the day she needs something from van and about faints when opens door...
    Now I have two couches and only room for one, now what???
    Post on Craigslist for $50 more then purchased hoping to break even...
    Inside 24 hrs someone comes and buys for asking price!!!
    Now the last couch was $100 more then the first...
    But I'm not sure if I made $50 bucks or lost $50 bucks...
    All I know is the wife has a perm-a-grin...
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  3. #2
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    Thats what it is about KZ Dude kepping the wife Happy or they can make our life more Miserable.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  4. #3
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    You are funny KZ...I'm glad you make your wife happy.

  5. #4
    KzScrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    Thats what it is about KZ Dude kepping the wife Happy or they can make our life more Miserable.
    Agreed MGD, lord knows she's put up with plenty of my crap so it was the least I could do. Old sofa and loveseat were purchased back when our youngest was still in diapers and she graduates this year so I think we got our monies worth out of those.

  6. #5
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    A couch...$450.00

    The couch...$550.00

    Happy wife.... Priceless!

    To sum it all up, either way you made out like a champ! You started with "The wife worked 2 summers for a new couch!"

    Great work my friend!!!
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  8. #6
    Ohio Scrapper's Avatar
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    Nice job, KZ!

  9. #7
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    IF momma aint happy no ones happy. Gotta love it when you can get brownie points with momma

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