some funny pics.
some funny pics.
My wife and I drinking at a bar.
Our son. He's 3.
Garbage keyboards > spɹɐoqʎǝʞ ʎɐqǝ
So here's me with my other hobby...
and some of what I can do with it. Enjoy....
This one even got the tire wrinkle...
Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
John Terrell (248) 224-2188
Burly Guys Junk Removal LLC
5499 Perry Drive Unit P Waterford, MI 48329
Hey I was looking for this thread yesterday! It's really interesting to put faces with the names/conversations!
Here are a couple of me!
and me and my sister...
and finally me and my mom
BandB Bill on left, Bernard on right
Last edited by BandB; 07-06-2012 at 12:24 AM.
I saw that earlier in the thread .. the one in the bikini right?
JuSt KiDdInG!!!
I could post em up, mainly for critique, but those one I put up have actually been printed out, my first ones. I didn't want ones that I looked at and went "They look good" or that depended on processing to look good.. I wanted em to be able to stand on their own without the processing, and for me to go "Wow" when I looked at em...
Those did it, finally... :-D
Me with one of my babies:
The rest of the crew:
Cute puppies!!!
Here you go...
This must be a redundant question...but why cant I post pics here?
Last edited by MisScrap; 08-27-2012 at 06:38 PM.
"It's better to be thought of as a fool then to speak and remove all doubt!"
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You can but you need to use a host site like Photo Bucket. See the link Below.
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
"Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."
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