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A New Member of the Family

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  1. #1
    ComputerScrapper started this thread.
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    A New Member of the Family

    Added a new member to the family last night....Lucy the boxer has joined our little gang here. She joins her brother Zeus and sister Mattie.

    Lucy was an abuse case that was located by my wife. Not able to see an animal suffer like that, my wife decided that she would be ours. She convinced the owners to surrend Lucy to us.

    So now we have even less room in our house lol But it does one good to save an animal from a life of abuse.

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  3. #2
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    If you have time you should post a pic of Lucy. =)

  4. #3
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    Yes pictures of the new baby are needed, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  5. #4
    c4f5 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Similar circumstances is how I have ended up with a herd of dogs. Dexter, our most recent is half boxer, also. Took medical help to get the collar un-embedded from his neck. 2 years later, he has adjusted pretty well, butstill cowers to a raised voice or a stick in my hand , but he does bring alot of joy and love to our home, and over all he seems much happier.

    Would love to see a picture of Lucy. Great to know I'm not the only one out there who is a sucker for an abused or neglected doggy.
    Last edited by c4f5; 01-10-2012 at 07:20 PM.

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  7. #5
    ComputerScrapper started this thread.
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    Well I am more than happy to post pictures of our new fur you go.

    By wastenot at 2012-01-11

    By wastenot at 2012-01-11

    By wastenot at 2012-01-11

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  9. #6
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    She's a beauty. I also have a rescued abused pup. It is the saddest thing. He runs when I have anything that could remotely be a weapon in my hand. And if it's a broom or rake, he runs in the woods and doesn't come back for hours. He does let me touch him now and yesterday I was able to get a tick off of him. It's time for the Flea and Tick topical treatment !! Lucy looks perfectly happy. Mech688 rescues cats. i think we have several other rescuers. Oh yea...injun joe rescues chiwayas(sp?).

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  11. #7
    ComputerScrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster-Dee View Post
    She's a beauty. I also have a rescued abused pup. It is the saddest thing. He runs when I have anything that could remotely be a weapon in my hand. And if it's a broom or rake, he runs in the woods and doesn't come back for hours. He does let me touch him now and yesterday I was able to get a tick off of him. It's time for the Flea and Tick topical treatment !! Lucy looks perfectly happy. Mech688 rescues cats. i think we have several other rescuers. Oh yea...injun joe rescues chiwayas(sp?).
    For me there is nothing more satisfying than rescuing an animal that has been abused. Laura actually saw this poor girl being hit by her former owner with a belt or razor strap...Evidently Lucy had done some counter surfing and the guy felt that she deserved such excessive punishment. Lucy is pretty skittish when she is around me right now but that is okay...I know she is safe now and that is what matters. She is starting to respond to me a bit already, accepting treats from me and so on.

    I know I will probably offend several people but I have no use for anyone that hurts an animal and often find myself wanting to treat them the way that they have treated the animal....Not a very uplifting attitude to have I know but I feel very strongly about animal abuse.

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  13. #8
    c4f5 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComputerScrapper View Post
    For me there is nothing more satisfying than rescuing an animal that has been abused. Laura actually saw this poor girl being hit by her former owner with a belt or razor strap...Evidently Lucy had done some counter surfing and the guy felt that she deserved such excessive punishment. Lucy is pretty skittish when she is around me right now but that is okay...I know she is safe now and that is what matters. She is starting to respond to me a bit already, accepting treats from me and so on.

    I know I will probably offend several people but I have no use for anyone that hurts an animal and often find myself wanting to treat them the way that they have treated the animal....Not a very uplifting attitude to have I know but I feel very strongly about animal abuse.
    Anyone who is offended by your post.........should be! Takes a big man to beat on an 80 pound loyal companion. A dog needs leadership and to know who's boss, but violence gets them pretty confused about what their role in your life is supposed to be.

    She is a beauty. Bear in mind, boxers are very high energy and require regular attention. And they need protection from extreme heat and extreme cold, as they are not very tolerant of either. In exchange, she will by instinct, give you love, loyalty, and if need be, protection. Sounds like you will be good to her. In turn, she will be great to you.

    She was at a house. You gave her a home. Thank you.
    Last edited by c4f5; 01-11-2012 at 09:45 PM. Reason: still learning to spell

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  15. #9
    ComputerScrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by c4f5 View Post
    Anyone who is offended by your post.........should be! Takes a big man to beat on an 80 pound loyal companion. A dog needs leadership and to know who's boss, but violence gets them pretty confused about what their role in your life is supposed to be.

    She is a beauty. Bear in mind, boxers are very high energy and require regular attention. And they need protection from extreme heat and extreme cold, as they are not very tolerant of either. In exchange, she will by instinct, give you love, loyalty, and if need be, protection. Sounds like you will be good to her. In turn, she will be great to you.

    She was at a house. You gave her a home. Thank you.
    Oh yes, boxers are high energy....Lucy is number 3 in our herd, for lack of a better word...The wife fell in love with these wonderful babies when we found our first, Mattie Jo, and ever since has made it a personal issue to protect them and other animals from abuse whenever it is found. We have rescued quite a few animals over the past several years but not all of them can stay with us. However, we have a network of animal lovers, foster homes and so on that provide the needed attention for an abused animal. If Laura had her way then we would keep them all but I have always felt it is important to not only love the animal that you have but also have the financial means to care for that animal as well, something that many do not think about when taking in a pet.

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  17. #10
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    How could anyone raise a hand in anger to that wonderful creature?

    Thanks for being there for this beautiful dog.
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  19. #11
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    I have four puppies to find homes for. Ii'm afraid they will end up abused if I make the wrong choice of who to give them to. I'm glad your baby's story has a happy ending, your wife and you sound like sweethearts.
    Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill

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    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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