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Issues with finding odd stuff

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  1. #1
    jassiejames started this thread.
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    Issues with finding odd stuff

    Hi all, It seems I have a knack for finding the oddest things., Things that I can not research through google or wiki, or just the bare minimum of info. Examples;

    Kodak slide projector, Found good info on all models made except the one I picked up..

    Badeofen, German for Bath Oven: (Old coal/wood fired low pressure water heater, stands next to bathtub--used until electricity was available for the masses.) found some info but nothing for the brand name I had. oh well, it was dead and the tank was 50 pounds of copper, money in my pocket.

    latest oddity.. going to pick up a 40īs era teletype maschine. found some info on wiki. but nothing on the Ebay.

    Do others have this issue or is it just me??

    what are the oddest things you have come into possesion of??

  2. #2
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    I would take things that are rare like that and have them appraised by an antique dealer.

    Could hit the jackpot with one of these odd finds.
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  3. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Got a early 40's Vulcan Stove that even tho I had a model # nothing was coming up on Google, I called Vulcan and they had no record either but then emailed pics to them and the lady helping me FW'd pics to others there and within the hour she sent back a sale insert from a magazine with the model, options and prices back then.
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  4. #4
    jassiejames started this thread.
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    unfortunately the odd things so far have been beyond repair. Looking for the jackpot everyday!!

  5. #5
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    On the teletype machine check with ham radio sites for more info. Hams used them for RTTY and some still like the old stuff. Here's a web site.

    You have to join to post questions but like here they have a search feature. Also try the reviews section you may find information about your machine, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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