As many of us on here can tell anyone, professionalism in this type of industry, is a plus among MANY people.
We all have mentioned it time and time again, how scrappers in our areas that steal, and vandalize properties, give the ones of us who run legitimate, trust worthy businesses a bad reputation.
I know for me, after my partner and I parted ways, I knew that I needed to become more professional than what I was. So, I came up with a name, designed a website, made forms (, created ads using microsoft publisher, hosting them on, and started advertising on
All of which has done real well for my business.
So, with all that being said, I am curious to know what ways (advertising) do you use to help your business flourish?
I mainly use
business cards, letters on company letter head that I use in my mailing campaigns, flyers, business cards, vehicle advertising, and uniforms that I get from
I have a business hosting account with, and that is what I use to create my website. I used their program called "sitebuilder" However, they just joined forces with, so I am in the process of re designing my entire website using them. Will let you all know once it is completed.
In the mean time, share some of your ideas and what you currently do!