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conclusions of a war-in response to you hate america - Page 2

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  1. #21
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    I have several good friends (men and woman) that have served in every branch the US government has, even the secret ones (don't know the names, as it is/was classified).

    However, the one thing that they have all said, is that there is MORE that goes on anywhere, then anyone ever really knows about.

    You all talk about urinating on the enemies and make it a big deal. With all due respect, there is a hell of a lot more to worry about then if our servicemen and woman are urinating on anyone.

    They are over there fighting for our freedom, their freedom, our families, and their families. They have to see, endure, and put up with stuff, that most of us only dream about.

    I have seen many come back as if nothing had happened, and I have seen others come back and NEVER the same (nothing the military did to them, just what they had experienced while being over there).

    So, with that, I simply would like to say that regardless if anyone was or is currently over there, please do not judge the ones who were or currently are over there. You have no idea what they personally see every day and have to deal with.

    The ones who have gone and came back fine, great, but that doesn't mean that everyone does.

    For all of you that have served or currently are serving to protect our country and freedom, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for doing something, that I did not have the privilege of doing.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

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  3. #22
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    I get angry about this subject for a reason I have a brother in Afghan and a friend who was blown to bits by an ied he lived but spent sixth months in the va hospital. Anytime I see or hear any of these war videos that others get disgusted about I always think of Daniel pearl who had his head cut with no regard at all to him being media they could have cared less or what about dragging our dead troops through the streets. War is a two way street and both sides do unreprehensible things during war with no conscious.

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  5. #23
    rbrooks715 started this thread.
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    you make a very good analogy about the atrocities that are being committed in these wars. each side points to the last atrocity as the validation to commit the next atrocity. now we can validate any action by anyone. the enemy discusses how they lost a friend or relative and they use that to create patriotism and support among themselves. it is much easier for the enemy to gain support as these wars are being fought on their land. the population sees the affects everyday, unlike the average american. we are going to have show that we offer a better ideal than those we fight against.

    the people of the middle east are repressed. they have been repressed for several thousand years. they have no interest in replacing one oppressor with another.

    the definition of freedom that we are trying to force on the ME population is not a definition of freedom that they are going to accept.

    the only way we were ever going to win was if we eliminated the current indigenous population and replaced them with americans. and that is never going to happen. get out a map and look at the countries that border the ME. russia and china are not going to allow it.

    all we have done is splintered this country and cost the lives of several million people.

    if the u.s. was currently occupied and the occupying force treated americans in this manner. what would your reaction be. why would you expect the population of the ME to feel any different.

    collin powell tried to explain this prior to our invasion. the outcome of the wars in the ME was both predictable and predicted. the only question that is yet to be answered is how many lives will we sacrifice and how much money will we spend.

  6. #24
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    I say we pull every single american troop home from around the world. Shut the borders and let the rest of the world figure it out for themselves. I give it no more than 10 years and 90 percent of the countries in this world will be begging us to police it again.

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  8. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    I say we pull every single american troop home from around the world. Shut the borders and let the rest of the world figure it out for themselves. I give it no more than 10 years and 90 percent of the countries in this world will be begging us to police it again.

    They only one we should be worried with, is China, since their military out beats us!. Even then, they won't do nothing, unless we do it to them.

  9. #26
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    Why all of a sudden are their so many political posts on here? I understand, "freedom of speech!" "i'm concerned about my country!" "its in the off topic!" "dont like it, dont read it!" I understand all that.

    Just saying, i could give a **** what yall think about politics. If i wanted to know id go to a political forum. Just sayin, this is a scrap metal forum, dont over run us with the political stuff.

    Lord i cant wait until a month or so before elections. Yall will be goin' crazy haha.

  10. #27
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    Off topic topic, Hoss !! lol

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  12. #28
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    politics as a direct effect on your every waking or sleeping moment, your business and your chance of success or failure, remember "too big to fail" were you or me too big to fail. not paying close attention to pol.itics is exactly what got us to todays Amerika. just my .02. sry Hoss no disrespect ment. I have no doubt, when it comes time to stand up, you will be very near the front of the line.

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  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapette View Post
    War is a hellish experience. It should always be the last resort, not the first one.
    I am totally against war , it ruins everyone even the so called victors. My libertarians beliefs say we should only take up arms when our borders are being invaded! I find it odd we are off fighting around the world when our southern Border is being violated hourly?!! I served 9 years 6 months 27 days on active duty and the rest in the Maine National Guards, I have seen good people lose their minds , I also believe we train them to be bad ass MFers and when they act nuts we are surprised!!!
    Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes;
    God bless little children while they're still too young to hate

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  16. #30
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    no Amerika comes from the refference to National socialism/Marxist Ideology. in one the government and there for the people are controled by a few big polititians and a few mega corporations, basically the corporations own the government. ( I. G. Farban/NAZI Germany) In the other the corporations are owned/controled by a few government politicians i.e. Russia, China, N Korea. In either case every aspect of your life is monitored and controled by the government. what direction would you say we are headed ?
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 01-15-2012 at 02:48 PM.

  17. #31
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  18. #32
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    I believe the same answer I gave to another post fits right here as well. 1930's new deal Roosevelt.

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  20. #33
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    he was definately a Democratic socialist, and paved (set precident) for todaysMarxixt socialists. As did Linclon even tho he was a republican, he invendet "Executive orders".

    This is even more of topic off topic but it is an interesting factoid. The commanding general of the confederate states Robert E lee volentarily freed his slaves in 1860 at the beginning of the war of agressiomn against the souther states.

    General Ulisses S Grant the commander of the Federal forces freed his slaves in 1865 only at the direction of congress, to comply with the Emancipation proclimation. History you dont find in the school books.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 01-15-2012 at 03:26 PM.

  21. #34
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    they call themselves progressies these days as they did in those. The only diference between a progressive democrat and progressive republican is the the D or R in front of their name. ( i think thats the right their) they both want socialism just one gets you there faster.
    Last edited by PartTimeScrapper; 01-15-2012 at 03:31 PM.

  22. #35
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    I fixed it :P

  23. #36
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    Olddude yer right, i will be one of them on the front line when the chit hits the fan. I'm a PROUD member of the Idaho 21st Battalion Light Foot Militia. Their are some people out there (ignorant racists) that say a bunch of things about Light Foot Militia, and it's members. My family has had death threats in the past, and we constantly are under pressure from local police whenever we are involved in anything.

    Sorry for the rant. Haha. Just wanted to explain to yall that i'm NOT some bleeding heart dirt worshiper. But i'm NOT a bible thumper. I'm simply a constitutionalist leaning Independent, that WILL STAND and FIGHT for my fellow brothers and sisters.

  24. #37
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    the only law necessary in this land or any other, is common sence, the golden rule and the ten commandments, they pretty much cover every thing.

  25. #38
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    But when those 3 are thrown out, who will stand?

    Oh lord, nevermind, i'm NOT gettin into this hahaha.

  26. #39
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    NOTICE TO ALL: Please bare in mind all my opinions are written by a guy who lost his camera in an 8x10 room and has been looking for it for 2 days.

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  28. #40
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    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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