People who throw there dog crap over there wall. You picked it up enough to toss over why not shovel it into a bucket or garbage can?
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People who throw there dog crap over there wall. You picked it up enough to toss over why not shovel it into a bucket or garbage can?
Like a flaming paper sack filled with it on the porch, then you'd have something to write about on RR33 thread. lol
Never done it but have seen it in the movies,,,
Waking up after a night out on the town with Bill Cosby.
Country music
Rock music/Heavy metal music
Valley girls
People who refuse to say excuse me
People who group those who live in the country and enjoy things such as lifted trucks, cold beer, cattle raising, and hunting as "rednecks"
People who won't fight for what they believe in
cats (sorry)
When people say hot water heater....
It heats water....
Renters who tear shut up and ***** about not getting their security deposit back.
When your step-daughter tells you she will setup the Christmas tree on thanksgiving day, but it's still sitting in the corner on Dec. 6th because "there is so much drama on Facebook right now".
So now you have to setup the tree.
Just kidding, I'm sitting in the lazy boy with a cold beer watching the wife do it. Lol
In the same vein as "ATM machine"
Hitting my head because I'm so tall because then I Hulk out.
Fantasy football injuries
Gifted children who end up stuck in their crappy towns and never given the chance to live up to their potential because of stupid parents.
My step sisters mom(step sister is not all)
The Walking Dead killing off Beth
John Boehner
Gwenyth Paltrow
The death of the Cartoon Express on USA
My wife's boss
Ewaste plastic
Running out of midnight snacks
Cops who refuse to pillow fight me
Hypo, glad you got it off your chest,,,
People that do not know how to Retire a Flag...Rescued not one but two Flags from a persons trash this week. One does need retiring but this one has plenty of life left.
parents who make excuses for their kids
Parents who can't discipline their children....
do you have children is harder and harder these days to discipline a child..........Watch the news even the sports world as parents/adults are getting in trouble every day for spanking children........What was acceptable 50 years ago would land you in prison these days