Hobo's gone rouge, SirS.
I goat a feeling it's only the beginning.
I sure am glad we goat our act together!
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Hobo's gone rouge, SirS.
I goat a feeling it's only the beginning.
I sure am glad we goat our act together!
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I need an intervention.... I goat to stop... or put me down like Old Yeller LOL
Last edited by hobo finds; 05-14-2015 at 04:38 PM.
People who don't keep their word. Blech
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Grumpy barmaids in a one-horse town.
NOBODY sitting at the bar. 4 old farmers playing cards at a table. That's it.
Such a burden getting me a 12 pack of off-sale.
Get bent beeotch!!! Lol
Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.
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I'm pissed of with flat tires and dead car battery! Imagine when you're late and then you start the engine's car, it won't start because the battery's dead!![]()
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I'm pissed of with flat tires and dead car battery! Imagine when you're late and then you start the car's engine, but it won't start because the battery's dead!![]()
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I'm pissed off cause your pissed off about flat tires an dead batteries that you had to post it twice. I figured I'd help ease the burden of your anger.Your welcome for sharing your anger an saving you from a stroke!
( Yes this post is in jest, an I realize double posts can occur that are not user error..but it made me laugh..so there. Deal.)
Sirscrapalot - There can only be one.
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'Mr. Crowley'
When someone drinks my last beer and doesn't restock the cooler!
Sorry Sir if I copied. Great minds think alike. Can't believe I never seen this thread til tonight. Its perpetual....
When you go out of your way to help someone and they steal from you.
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When junk runs out of beer to send me.
Tho it doesn't make me pissed, it just makes me all..
(Answer: Sad.)
Sirscrapalot - Can't be duplicated. Thank your lucky stars.
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When I can only access one set of flats on a rusty nut.
Meaning I have to remove and refit the spanner 6 times per revolution and there's over 7/8ths of a inch of thread sticking out of the nut.
6 x 30 = 180 turns of the nut......
And 4 bolts.......
Oh, and plasma screens. 455 screws to undo. Uh huh.
It would drive you nuts.
Last edited by eesakiwi; 05-21-2015 at 09:16 PM.
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Posts that are a huge block of text that make my eyes go all zig zag.
For the love of all that is holy use paragraphs, or some kind of break.
Walls of text are the suck.
Sirscrapalot - Stop war, make paragraphs!
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Some one, kids or a homeless guy stole all the loose change from my truck, then the ass hole leaves the door open so the light runs down the battery! If you are going to steel $6.00 in change at least close the door so you don't run down my battery!
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I know I do that a lot but sometimes I don't realize it. I do try to use proper punctuation because the last thing I need is the grammer police correcting me or pointing out a misspelled word or if for some reason I have a lot of run on sentences which I try not to do but sometimes it just happens without me realizing it. It really depends on what time of day it is or if I've had to much coffee or it's early and my medecation hasn't started working yet or it could be that my meds are working to well. Here lately I've been trying to write one sentence and leave a space and then another sentence but old habits die hard. Well gotta go a fruit fly just flew up my nose.![]()
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I have been told I'm one of the most laid back person others have met, for whatever that's worth.
but what really pisses me off....
anyone who tries to impose their will upon me... especially on MY property.
anyone who demeans myself or family.
racism and bigotry.
other than that... whatever, life's too short to get mad at the breeze.
oh yeah and I'm one a those slow drivin folk some of ya get mad about...![]()
There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man
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