Editorials that masquerade as a factual news story.
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Editorials that masquerade as a factual news story.
1: When I think I'm reading a top 100 list and it only makes to 99!! WTH???
LOL Just messing with ya Kris Kringle! If this were a contest your entry would be in no. 1 spot right now.
OH and KZBell, I got lucky and didn't need the aspirin the next morning. I just popped another top and was good to go!
Things I hate
1# Running out of torch gas or blades on final cuts
2# Realizing I forgot to put the tools back in the truck and need to get the appliances off the truck asap...so no time to store...so lose money
3# Buy a winch of a mec that owns a garage, have him install it, and find out he left bolts loose on first pull
4# Asshat 4 wheeler cuts me off on 8% grade when Im running 1000 lbs, slam on the brakes, and pop the wheel cylinder
Sure i can think of more, but tired right now.
Completely unecessary new words like "gifting". "We are gifting you a new washer and dryer" for example. What is wrong with "giving"?
Semi-monthly phone book deliveries.
stems and seeds
Probably was in the newspaper.Quote:
Parts of a town/city garbage day being changed due to new company and nobody told ME!!! Grrrrrr......so much for my schedule
Automated sales calls
Hate when Im wrong,and my wife is right
Smug people
Neighbors cats
Lazy people
All other politicians
Comin home after long day of work and theres no dinner!
Last call!
People, well intentioned or otherwise, who claim to speak for me on this forum.
I have a thick skin and am not easily offended. However, when I am offended I will surely let you know personally.
If it didn't come directly from me, don't believe it.
VIP room
Glass bottles and Jars!!
Fuel pump freezing up because I was too dang tired to fill up last night!
Two flat tires last week. A rear brake job this week.
Drums. Passengers side is the one that put up the fight. Drivers side wasn't too bad. Of course, passengers side was the first side I replaced. Also had to replace lift gear in drivers side window AND fix door handle. Tailgate's next. Another thing that pisses me off: Loosing money because of automotive repairs. Still haven't had a chance to go pick up the service box/bed!
This changes for me (and I'm sure many of you as well) from week to week.
1. People who think their 10 year old computer/computers are worth hundreds of dollars.
2. The same people who re-post their overpriced computer every day so it’s at the top of the list thinking it will help it sell.
3. People that have a hard time getting to the point, just spit it out and don't tell me the same story repeatedly with slight variations to make your point. I knew what you wanted to say five minutes ago: /
4. Seeing recyclable and salvageable scrap being sent off to the dump and not being able to do a thing about it.
5. And lastly dealing with troublesome tenants... Bah
I hear ya Mike.....it pisses me off that you and the other Mike have to go through that.
It also simplifies what's important, Mike.
Powerball is now $2.00! WTF
people who don't pick up there dog s#it when walking them!
http://www.indianasnewscenter.com/ne...137456373.html This happened on the 16th, this is our 2nd millionaire in our county in a month. What pi$$es me off is I don't play any of the lotteries.Quote:
Powerball is now $2.00! WTF
A Printer repairman from Plymouth became two million dollars richer and was back at work on Monday.
security screws
(A member here)
Fixed it for you, Skylinejackjr.
People who have essay contests in order to get what they have on Craigslist.
People who don't turn the picture the right way before putting it on Craigslist.
people that think 20 dvd roms, a box of power supplies, 1 motherboard, 4 hard drives and 3 cases is worth 250$ i swear sometimes with people. If u say ur **** from ur ex is taking up space you would think you would want to move it. buuut nooooo. probably for the best i offered 50$ and got turned down, think i would have lost my ass on that one.
Ignore buttons.
Hello, anybody there? I said ignore buttons!
C-store toilet paper that feels rougher than the discs on my angle grinder
all of the above :) pisses me off
Others did not have to be "baited" into that fray - you offended a few people with that remark. I was hoping you would have had the decency to take it down yourself after I contacted you, but I guess not.
With your signature lines and your comments, you seem to feel the need to portray others as your intellectual inferiors. That's not such a big deal, but what kind of person is so insecure he has to make fun of disabled children?
Make sure and get this comment pulled too. Apparently, your towering intellect doesn't withstand challenges very well.
MDG, if I ignored you for one or two offensive comments I would miss out on a lot of wise and humorous posts. I'm not going to put you on my iggy list unless you continue to post offensive comments like the bumper sticker. It would make my day if you told us that you had taken that sticker off.
You're in the wrong - why don't you just admit it? I, for one, would have a lot more respect for you if you did. It would show more character than you're showing now.
Even if it is the name of a band - it's still heartless and tasteless.
Not your m.o.? Funny how two comments by a certain person that you detest regarding your remark were removed . It's your skin that's thin.
I may not like what some other people post here but I'm secure enough to let my eyes travel over it. Pass on the iggy list.
Are they giving you a time-out???Quote:
See I have Offended So many on here That they Took away my Edit Option Sometimes that why you see me Repost with EDIT in the Post
There is a time limit for all users I think it is about 24 hrs, Its not just you Kris Kringle
MDG, did I misunderstand ? I thought you said you put that offensive sticker on your truck ! That should be easy enough to take off !