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Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill
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Not knowing if it's better to watch the whole game or just the last 5 minutes.
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1. The scrappers that start early in the afternoon and get ahead of me x.x
2. The scrapper in the red dodge truck who steals ac units and mowers from peoples yards and sheds.. ((guess who else drives a red dodge truck -_- ME))
3. Being lost in the suburbs and no one will give you directions because your scrapping.
4.Being on a really good haul and running out of gas or newports.
5.Emo kids and people who have destroyed rock and metal and replaced it with pop.
6.Getting McDonalds at midnight and getting a burger that has been under the lamp several hours.
7. flat tires
8. dead batteries
9. Cold weather....HELL NO
10. Scrap yards that make me break apart my vacuums and woln't take them as shred.
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People who flag my CL ad
Other scrappers that come in to my town becouse their town doesnt have enough scrap to support them.
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The scrapper who let the washer fall off his over stacked truck into the middle of traffic and left it there for everyone to drive around. People like that are going to force more regulations on the rest of us.
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a couple of times when asking directions, I have actually had people look arround scratch their heads then tell me, uh ya can't get there from here.![]()
Whenever I take a car to the scrap yard and look at my receipt and realize that they either forgot to pay me or i got cheated out of the catalytic converter or something.(this happens often but now ive learned to check before i exit the door)
“If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.”
Abraham Lincoln
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1. Wind
2. Mud
3. Wave cloud that forms over the Front Range...stays all day makes 50 degrees feel like 38.
4. Sideways pictures on Craigslist.
5. People on Craigslist that claim it's easy to get a vehicle title that has been lost to a car or cycle they're selling but don't own.
6. When my computer sounds like it's computing the Theory of Relativity and I'm just reading something.
7. Customers think they are an expert because they watch HGTV.
8. People know they should merge into the thru traffic lane but stay in the blocked one till they get all the way to the blockage.
9. Long lines at the Post Office and the customer that insists on making small talk with the clerk while the other dozen of us look on.
10. Gals that dressed to get noticed and then wonder what your looking at.
Amen to # 10 KZBELL and thanks for the rant.
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1. Breaking guitar strings
2. people who pick on disabled people
3. Mothers who wont let their children do the things they love to do
4. crappy birthday presents (unless their good)
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Well lets see.........
Plucking the Eyebrows.
Rude people.
Knowing I get locked out of the house, but thefts can pick up one rock and they are in.
Forgetting passwords, when yesterday I had them down packed.
People that don't know what turn singles are for.
Monsanto, Pharmaceuticals, and Too big to fails.
Media Talking Heads.
TMZ, People Mag., Inside edition, stupid reality shows.
I can't buy real milk.
The fact that the combustion engine has be around for how many years and we can't get better gas milage with it.....There is no Santa clause........Computers that seem to do their own thing, when you are typing......Printers that won't print.....................You just had to get me going![]()
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Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.
Thomas Jefferson
Come on MDG tell us what you really feel
I hate:
1. cell phones that won't ring to tell me someone is calling, but will beep to say I missed a call.
2. procrastinating, bites me in the butt every time.
3. Gas prices
4. People who can't do simple math.
5. My brother's exwife.
6. Not knowing enough about things to know what is a great deal and what is not.
7. People who say if you don't like violent video games don't let your kid watch them. It is not my kid I am worried about it is yours!
8. Did I mention gas prices?
9. Not having a truck
10. people who use the phrase "Ugly American". The Ugly American was a book by William Lederer in 1958 where the character was physically ugly, but uses his engineering skills to help the poor in southeast asia.
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days like today, beautiful and warm out side but your too sick or weak to work![]()
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