Their calling for you Tater,,Clowns, hate em !!!
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Their calling for you Tater,,Clowns, hate em !!!
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.
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Great thread and thank you Skylinejack for starting it. Although many of the responses are entertaining and educational, the element that stands out is the number of members that responded that are no longer part of the forum. Is this because the price dropped for steel and they are no longer interested (culling the herd) or have they created new avenues for their career or spare time.
Good point. People change, and to be quite honest after 5 years plus of working 6 days a week at the 9-5 and hauling scrap all night long I've grown quite weary of it all. Maybe it's just the horrible low prices talking, but I can't seem to get overly excited about the whole deal. My job more than pays the bills, so I'm just gona take it easy til steel prices come back.
Btw not cool mech !!!
Alvord iron and salvage
3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it
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I'm still working on my niche.
Steel is a byproduct. I collect it as it comes out of the electronics I disassemble.
I have 30+ pallets of scrap metal and electronics coming in this week from one customer.
SO... I try to turn the steel around while I have the rented box truck.
If you are burned out on the ferrous, look for the higher buck items.
It really is all about your networking and presenting yourself to your customers.
MMM.. what pisses me off? Complainers.
F1 Recycles
Electronic/Electrical/Mechanical Recycling
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What ticks me off? Fixing a Ford truck. Dealing with people that think their old Compaq is worth "Like $100. It's got gold!" Lower scrap prices....
I know I'm cynical saying this, but I think that we need the lower prices for a while. We need to thin out the fly by nights. A few years ago, anybody with an F150 and a car dolly was a "Vehicle Recycler". The same thing seems to be happening with E-Waste.
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People who see me at the grocery, or book store an ask.."So what brings you here?" I dunno, I wanted a new grill...or a couch.
Jus' saying.
Sirscrapalot - Obviously I'm shopping at a shoe store for new tools.
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I hate that I'm still not 100% self sufficient. I still have to borrow the occasional tool, truck,trailer and so on. I know its impossible to always have the right equipment for every job and I'm still starting out but I hate have to be Dependant on other people. I'm waiting right now at my buddies house waiting for a large covered trailer to haul a load of auction goods because it Snowed and I can't use a flat bed. I just keep building and pay it foreword but its frustrating
"And if your train's on time, You can get to work by nine, and start your slaving job to get your pay. If you ever get annoyed, Look at me I'm self-employed
I love to work at nothing all day" -BTO
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I do when I can, but it still bothers me. It seems like every other week I need a different type of equipment. I also know this is a product of me taking on jobs I should pass on but I figure go big. I'm learning and slowly growing my collection of tools, trailers and equipment. This is also why I have been moving more twords ewaste. Way easier to deal with than combines.
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Currently looking for a job in or related to scrap/recycling. Relocation is possible for the right offer.
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Having your fantasy football team lose by a point on Monday night because the defense you started netted you negative points.
Fans that blame losses on the referees
People who switch lanes in the middle of a intersection or those that speed in the slow lane passing people on the wrong side . Also people that sit in your blindspots . Seems like any car on the road pisses me off lol
Buying ewaste and video games !
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ID10-T errors get me urinated.
*possible future occurrence*
Officer "Why didn't you try to stop after you collided with the vehicle that cut you off?"
ME "I did, but I think I hit the wrong pedal at first"
Officer "Then why are witnesses telling me they heard you shifting?
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Infrequent bowel movements or difficulty having bowel movements (straining)
Hard or small stools.
Sense of incomplete bowel movement.
Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.
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Well, this thread's gone to the toilet!
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“Everybody looks at their poop.”
― Oprah Winfrey
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Poop and clowns all funny! Unless you can't poop!
people who think they are better than everyone else and everyone who isn't as good as me.
Seriously though lately number one on my list is dog owners who think it's cute and laugh about it when their dog shoves its nose in peoples crotches.
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