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What pisses you off? - Page 14

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  1. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post
    People that do not know how to Retire a Flag...Rescued not one but two Flags from a persons trash this week. One does need retiring but this one has plenty of life left.

    Most dont know that tattered/old/unwanted flags can be turned in to any VFW hall. There is usually a mail box at the entrance just for flags that are to be properly retired.
    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


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  3. #262
    matador's Avatar
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    It's really a shame the way things have changed. I'm not a parent, but I am close with two of my sisters, who both are. One married to a man in the Navy, and they have a daughter who is now 15. She's one of the smartest, most disciplined people that I've met. The other one married a husband who is away for work most of the time, and had two sons. One is 14, and the other 9. She doesn't use any discipline at all on them. They have free reign over whatever they want. The last time they came here, one of them almost drowned to death, because he wouldn't listen to her mother. My father had to save him- he had to go to the hospital for a concussion. Keep in mind that my father can't swim. The mother wasn't paying any attention at all. The kids were horsing around on rocks, and one fell face-first into the water. Both of them went tearing about the farm the whole trip- we still have tools missing from them. It got so bad that I actually slept a night in my office. That night was well worth it. Those two will be in a State Prison within 10 years, just wait.

    It's sad that parents can't use corporal punishment like they used to. In Wyoming, nobody would do anything about it, but I know that we're our little "Mayberry" in the world. Everyone knows everyone, and life is a lot different....

    The Navy family lived in Maryland at the time- I doubt the wife would have used corporal punishment much, but I don't think that the need would ever arise. Children want to know the boundaries- set them clearly, and they won't be pushed. I can count the number of spankings that I had on my fingers and toes (Probably wouldn't need many toes). It sets a clear image in your head, and you won't try it again.

    My problem is with the brats in the grocery stores that won't quit crying because they can't have candy. The mothers that give them the candy are the worst. You're telling your children that they can have control over you. That's not a good idea! I'd take my chances with the belt before I would let my child walk over me. Of course, with discipline, they'd know what would come if they misbehaved. The spankings wouldn't be needed after a while...

    < /Rant>
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  5. #263
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    Stupid people, stupid csr that do not know how do their job, then when you start raising hell and swearing at them, they hang up the phone.

    Case in point, about a year ago the cable company charged me a 100 bones for not returning a modem on a old account. I swore up and down I returned, but they wouldn't budge. So paid it and moved on. Fast forward a year and I found it. So I return it and now they are trying to charge the same 100 saying it was never paid when in fact I did. On top of returning the modem 2 weeks. I was supposed to get a credit. Stupid person wouldn't listen, kept saying I need a receipt to prove I did. Um duh!! I returned it 2 weeks, so um I dont owe you nothing for starters. Two you owe me money, because I paid for it a year ago. She couldn't grasp it. She hung the phone up which caused my blood pressure sky rocketed and start getting dizzy. She had me so pissed I thought I was gonna stroke out or take a heat attack. I cant wait till I get a hold of the supervisor tomorrow, I dotn care if I get arrested or not. I hate being told Im a liar or Im wrong, when Im right.

    I really hate today's stupid generation and Im only 35. I let 2 helpers go because they were costing me money and pulling forest gump maneuvers like this chick. Thats what pisses me off. I just wrecked my trailer, because I got dizzy fighting with this idiot and drove my truck into it. At least it wasnt a human LOL

  6. #264
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    People who watch a few youtube videos and come here with gold fever asking very basic questions and won't read the old threads.

    Thieves and dope heads.

    People who admit to or brag about illegal activities on public forums.

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  8. #265
    Abuilder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post

    People who admit to or brag about illegal activities on public forums.
    But jimicrk those are the best kind.
    It's the quiet sneaky ones that are dangerous.

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  10. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abuilder View Post
    But jimicrk those are the best kind.
    It's the quiet sneaky ones that are dangerous.
    You're right. I was wondering the other day how many quiet, sneaky ones we have here.

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  12. #267
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    Matador, you're mama raised you well. I like her!

    "I would rather go to prison for child abuse than have a brat for a child." -Scrappah T's Mama-

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  14. #268
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Doubt u would wanna go to prison for child abuse not exactly a respectable crime

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  16. #269
    jonnyjeb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    do you have children is harder and harder these days to discipline a child..........Watch the news even the sports world as parents/adults are getting in trouble every day for spanking children........What was acceptable 50 years ago would land you in prison these days
    Here'a how bd it is...The school where I teach has adopted a program called PBIS..positive behavior intervention and support. In a nut shell, negative consequences for bad decisions are discouraged, even frowned upon. Instead, praise and give out coupons for instances of good behavior.

  17. #270
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    Sorry bout the previous post...somehow I put it un the wrong thread.

  18. #271
    matador's Avatar
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    How stupid! If a spanking would make my child be a much better person, I'd go to prison for it. No crime is "honorable", but I could never live with myself knowing that I made a person who has no discipline, motivation, or understanding.

    Back on track: I'm pissed off by people who don't know how to do their jobs, but act like they're the smartest person out there. I am also peeved by engineering that makes equipment repairs harder than they need to be...

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  20. #272
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    That weird weight thing that hangs off my exhaust , bracket rusted and it was knocking , scared me to the point I'm checking tranny fluid . Nothing a few ninja kicks can't fix.

    People that switch lanes in the middle of a intersection . People who pass on the right hand side . People that pull on the shoulder and go in reverse to the exit they missed on the highway.

    Amish people that own cell phones and use power washers
    Religious zealots
    Changing the origin of the teenage mutant ninja turtles . They are not from outer space .
    Removing bebop and rocksteady from the villains list
    Blowing into nes cartridges
    Partners that prefer to sleep with the tv on
    Bulldog snore at 3 am
    Blow out diapers
    Losing spanner wrenches
    Finding your chainsaw outside after the snow melts
    People that think computer boards are worth $20-$30 a lb because of the gold
    Check engine soon lights
    Not having enough hours in the day
    Getting to the grocery store and leaving the list at home
    Being lied to in general
    People that put iPods cassette tape players and erasers that lookalike cell phones in with their cell phones .
    People that want to sell you their broken electronics for %80 of what they paid retail . Cause it's like brand new except the screen don't work .
    Sports fans that think athletes should be role models
    Part time dads
    heroin addicts , thieves and people who support or profit off them
    The governors wellness mobile
    Not enforcing simple laws like jay walking and city curfews for minors
    The way they try to push the flu shot on you
    People that ask my zip code when I make a purchase , or the would you like to donate a dollar today with your purchase people
    Fruit in beer
    Anything mayo based that is called a salad
    Anti abortion signs featuring dead fetuses
    Stepping on Legos in the dark

    I'm sure I will think of more
    Buying ewaste and video games !

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  22. #273
    matador's Avatar
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    I keep checking the engine in my Buick. It's still there! Why do they keep telling me to check it? If someone stole the engine, I think I'd know it!

    On track:

    Windows 8 (And 8.1)
    Bad Drivers
    People that assume you're "Anti-American", because you drive a used Audi, BMW, or Toyota
    People who want to beat their political views into your head

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  24. #274
    ScrapperTrecycling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    Doubt u would wanna go to prison for child abuse not exactly a respectable crime
    I'm not aware of any respectable crimes.

  25. #275
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    Jaywalking? I wouldn't call a jaywalker a "hardened criminal".

    That's the best I've got.

  26. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapperTrecycling View Post
    I'm not aware of any respectable crimes.
    I can name one. When I was 6 years old, my principal drug me around by my neck collar damaging my neck. Was in the hospital, neck brace, still have issues. Idiot told my dad I was being unruly and I deserved it. My dad tried to remove me from the school and he refused. So um, mr big shot principal went through the wall literally. But this principal had a history of abuse and after dad did that, everybody starting standing their ground., And told him, if ya touch my kid, I will be the next to throw you through the wall. Dad did roughly 6 months, but it was well worth it. Even the cos at the jail respected him. The local police. They couldnt touch the a** and he remained a principal till he retired. I think he got moved from elementary to high school though. So yes some crimes are honourable especially if your protecting your family. I still have issues with my neck after thirty years....and sometimes the nightmares still haunt me. This little bastard even blasted kids heads into the wall, hit them with the poker thing....hit them with erasers. I been waiting for him to cross my path, but never saw him again. I will say his name was Mr Farrell and I hope he dies a malignant death for all the child abuse and pain he caused.

  27. #277
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    That's horrible , crimes against children are the worst . Glad your father turned him into the kook aid man . Oh yeah

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  29. #278
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Goat farts
    Goat Dreams
    Goat wet Dreams
    Goats on TV
    Goats watching TV
    Goat scammers, liars, cheaters, thieves (bad goats)
    Goats that don't pay there share
    Goats that don't bring there own beer!

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  31. #279
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    Goat farts
    Goat Dreams
    Goat wet Dreams
    Goats on TV
    Goats watching TV
    Goat scammers, liars, cheaters, thieves (bad goats)
    Goats that don't pay there share
    Goats that don't bring there own beer!
    Sounds like baaaaaad people in general

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  33. #280
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    When my beer mug is empty.

    No goating around it, it makes me very very sad.

    Sirscrapalot - Has created a monster...several of them.

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