Trying to upload pics from my harddrive and having a hell of a time, can't use an image hosting site cuz it says i cant post links. help?
Trying to upload pics from my harddrive and having a hell of a time, can't use an image hosting site cuz it says i cant post links. help?
I posted my pics to Photobucket first so that each would have a URL. Then I was able to post to this forum. Hope this helps.
Get a Photobucket (or something similar) account and upload your photo's to there, then as you hover your mouse arrow over the pic you want, a menu of boxes open up. Simply move your mouse down to the direct link box and click and it'll read(copied). As you are posting here just click the small window (picture) icon right above and paste (right click) your pic into the box and it should post it here. Simple as pie after you've done a few,,,
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