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secound rant of the week :)

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    secound rant of the week :)

    MrDG guess your right, just cant keep my mouth shut.

    this week there are several newbs on the site, which is to be expected, as things get more and more crowded on the street and in the ally ways.

    but several of them want the forum members to hold their hands through the most elemental steps, asking questions my 10 year old daughter could figgure out or figgure out how to find the answer too with all the info available here.

    is it just me, am I really that much of an old cermudgen and sour puss. It has cost most of us thousands of dollars, not to mention thousands of hours to learn what we know and freely share with searious scrappers along with wanabe scrappers. I dont have a problem with that, much of what little I know I learned here,but, there has to be a line some where.

    we have every one here fron old pfarts like me who have spent years learning what little we know. We have young 20 year olds who will soon be millionares through study research amd hard work.

    then we have those who want a complete how to emailed to them through asking elimentry questions here.

    scrapping is a dangerous business, Im just not sure we are doing some of these people a favor by answering elemental questions they have neither the time or common sence to figgure out. technical questions are one thing but some one who refuses to use the search engine period, some one asks where can I find huge bundles of copper, Is a BMW worth $100, are we realy helping these people or are we perhaps endangering their lives by answering the elimentry questions with out complete detailed instructions. for example if one dosent know that a beamer is worth at least 4 or 500 (c0mplete) then does he have enough common sence to know not to set it on cement blocks to work under it?

    I voted for the beginners thread but when I did I knew it was probably an excorsise in futility. just my .02.

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  3. #2
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    Ive been sick as hell this week no making millions for me :-(.

  4. #3
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    Classic Enabling when the person needing the help isn't willing to make the first move and show that they are willing to help themselves first. We got the regs like MDG pointed out, then the majority that fall off the face of the earth once they figure out that there is work involved, both mental and physical.

    I think most like to help here but no one likes to feel like they're wasting time. Sometimes it takes tough love to find out how serious someone is, but that often times is misconstrued as an attack.
    Last edited by KzScrapper; 01-22-2012 at 05:28 AM.
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  6. #4
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    I often find that with my scrap finds the biggest problem is having to move all the copper cylinders out of the way so I can get to the bare bright copper people leave by the curb. Oh, that and having to find the time to sort through those stupid cpu's people keep giving me by the gaylord. It really takes up my time and detracts from hunting down appliances to strip.

    Last edited by wayne; 01-22-2012 at 05:55 AM.
    I know lying is wrong, but if the elephant man came in now in a blouse with some make up on, and said, "How do I look?" Would you say, bearing in mind he's depressed and has respiratory problems, would you say, "Go and take that blusher off you mis-shapened elephant tranny?" No. You'd say, "You look nice... John""

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  8. #5
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    olddude, we've tried being a kinder, gentler forum. What's a scrapper to do ??

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  10. #6
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    Until such a "perfect" system exists, there is truly only 2 choices that you have readily available.

    Answer the same mundane question 1,000,000 times in full detailed description, or simply don't say nothing at all, and let them figure out that they simply need to search the threads on here.
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  12. #7
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    There is a 3rd option that many of us have been using....KINDLY inform the noob about the search feature and the advantages of researching the archives. Miked is the best example...he has a very "kind and gentle" way of pointing the noobs in the right direction. Most of the time it makes us roll our eyes and say "not again" !, but it could turn out to be a real good scrapper who just isn't good with words or typing or expressing him/herself. Don't know the answer myself, but I think it's good to discuss it.

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  14. #8
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    Well, if he knows what to do, why didn't he just say so....after the rant. lol

  15. #9
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    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
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  17. #10
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Have any of you experienced ole' hands here on this forum ever actually use the search function?? Now this is my opinion only (and I know the saying about opinions) but the search feature sucks. There I said it. If it's more than one word you type in then it'll give you posts with each and every word involved. Some search features you can use " " to bracket the words and the search looks for them together as a sentance, but here if more than 1 word, then the results are multiplied by 10 and involve posts that are not even related to what your searching for. If I get exasperated then you can imagine how a newbee feels,,,
    Rant Over,,,
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  19. #11
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I agree M688, We at least need to start using the header function more accurately, it would help some.

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  21. #12
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    I thought it was just me !

  22. #13
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    Yeah the google search with the forum name in it works way mo betta then the built in one.

  23. #14
    wayne's Avatar
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    I think part of the reason is that the forum headers are not always relevant. I have seen some examples where the original topic was left stranded somewhere on page 1 while an extremely interesting, but not necessarily on-topic discussion carried on from page 2 onwards. I think a good solution to this would be the newbie forum, with a selection of posts covering the common questions moved or copied into it, and with the non-relevant posts removed from the thread to make things easier.

    Just my thoughts on getting the answers to the searchers.

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  25. #15
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    If I get exasperated then you can imagine how a newbee feels,,,
    Rant Over,,,
    Where is that P.O.'ed list, I got another one for it. My list is getting bigger,,

  26. #16
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    Hey i am new to this form and i did ask about that BWM. I searched before i asked that question and i am sorry in anyone feels that is was stupid. I am not trying to freeload to get out there are find scrap my self i had just very done i car. So i am sorry if you feel like i wasted your time but i just thought someone could help it will not happen again.

  27. #17
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    Hey maxa. Welcome to the forum. Don't mind olddude....he just gets to ranting once in a while. Hey, how bout you go to the introduction section and tell us a little about yourself. Sorry I missed it if you already have. Happy scrappin.

  28. #18
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    Thanks man i did an introduction and have a post about where to score a bunch of ballast's

  29. #19
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    I agree with olddude we live in a hand it to me i want it now society.Like i said in a earlier post you CANNOT HELP SOMEONE WHO WILL NOT HELP THEMSELVES

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  31. #20
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    sry I jumped on you so hard MX but your number just came up. look at it as tough love. nothing I would like better then to see you grow successful. but it takes some study. Ive been arround a long time but I still research at least 2 hrs a day, but thats just me.

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