I've been to St. Lucia a few times and I absolutely love it. I was looking at pieces of land and there is a lot of land left. The island is 237 square miles. The piece of property I am looking at is 18.5 acres with about 9 acres of it has quarry stone. Housing rental is cheap for the most part anywhere between $350-$900 a month. Also has an abundance of natural growing fruit trees. Eventually would look at building a few houses with such amenities as a water and fuel tanks with pumps, a generator,
a/c (not a common amenity there) and maybe a pool. Looking at all possibilities of getting equipment, fuel costs and hiring a few local workers for the jobs needed to be done. The laborers there don't make good money as there are not a lot of options if people aren't spending $ in the tourism areas of the island. I was thinking about paying them around $10 an hour which is right around $26.70 an hour in Eastern Carribean Dollars. I have financing available for all aspects of my project. I would be exporting the quarry stone and the wood from all the trees on the property. Also would be cosuming and or selling the fruits and veggies at the local markets. The only big things I would need would be a Passport and an Alien Property Lienholders license.
Between working, the marina job, and the research i've been doing on this potential oppurtunity I haven't had much time to do anything at all. Disney World was crazy fun, the girls haven't stopped talking about it. Lol they tell their teachers about it atleast twice a week. The ex let me keep them for a few days when we got back, so I ended up driving them both to school for a few days and picking them up.
Located in Dennery is 18.5 Acres of Agricultural land. This property is extremely valuable in the amount of resources it possesses. It has an entire hill which can be used for Quarry Stones, a natural underground spring water source and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Mangoes,Grapefruits,Oranges,Cabbages,Cherries,etc. Great investment at only $149,813 USD.
***Anything anyone can think of such as any type of advice, comments, questions please post it***