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too much internest not enough scrapping

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  1. #1
    corycouch started this thread.
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    too much internest not enough scrapping

    anyone else have this problem, its 9 in the morning here sunny and probably 45 to 50 degrees, ive got work to do just dont go do it i have several 1000s in my yard right now . granted ive had a some personal issues the last couple weeks that i need to deal with. lately ive been on this site, craigslist, ebay northerntool mainly just checking stuff out or watching tv. completely out of my character, i probably do need a break tho we had been going non stop for a while, i even took my heavy equipment add of cl. now granted if we get a call we hop up and go and if we get another call we keep on going, but it seems without the call we have been losing our drive. just wondering if anyone else has had a case of the lazies or if its just me. getting up right now ive got some brass to knock off of fire hoses

  2. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    Join the crowd. For me, it's an awkward time - Too warm to stay inside but too cold to work outside for very long. The GOOD part about being retired and doing this - Three hour lunches and breaks as I feel like it. The BAD part - Three hour lunches and breaks as I feel like it.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  4. #3
    corycouch started this thread.
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    almost 2 hours later going to work now c u guys tonight

  5. #4
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    Best way to beat the blahs.........Take a load in and get some money. When I don't feel like breaking stuff down, I just put in my mind I'm going take a load in and get some money. Always helps me

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  7. #5
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    I hit TB ( Total Burnout ) regularly, at my age work=pain at some level and I just can't face that every day. I am getting used to living with a bit less. I really try not to fire up my equipment much since it costs too much to run and repair ( I hate working a job with the equipment and then taking all the profit to fix it back up). I figure down down time as "recharge" time and just try too roll with it.

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