Imploding CRT while cutting the steel mounting band off of it. In my experience, half of the TV / computer monitor CRTs I've scrapped crack when I cut the band off, while the other half do nothing. I knew one day one would implode, and this was the one. I know a lot of scrappers won't even bother with cutting the band off because of, well, I dunno. Fear of this?
I need to off-gas these things first. (Or would it be in-gassing, since it's a vacuum? Or maybe it's simply pressure equalization.)
This gash, about two inches long and down to the shin bone, should have been stitched, but I did the butterfly bandage thing instead. I did end up going to the doctor the next day because it'd been a while since my last tetanus shot (too late to stitch by then, of course). This isn't even close to my first scar, or even my first from scrapping, but it's the worst from scrapping thus far.