I couldn't agree more! Just seen this earlier today and made sure my wife and kids watched it too. Now that's what I call PARENTING!
I couldn't agree more! Just seen this earlier today and made sure my wife and kids watched it too. Now that's what I call PARENTING!
I think he tried to send a good message but did it in the wrong way. 9 out of 10 of teens probably rebel in one way or another not all that different than what she did (if not a lot worse) and he took what could have been a good teaching moment and made it a lot worse than what it had to be. I mean can all the attention this 15 year old girl is going to get as a result of this be good for her? He completely villified her to the world for a stupid but relatively harmless rant about her parents. Based on his over the top reaction to this issue I can see that he would probably be pretty difficult to live with as a parent.
He gave her name, facebook info and you can easily find out exactly who and where this 15 year old MINOR child lives. I'm sorry but thats pretty messed up.
I'm not trying to defend his daughter, she definately had the wrong attitude but come on she is 15 and could have done something way worse. What would he have done if she had come home pregnant, or with a tattoo or something that actually is sort of a big deal in the grand scheme of things?
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I saw this this morning. I was cheering him on.
None yet, and I did think about that as I was writing that maybe I would feel different if I had my own kids.
I do have 5 nephews and nieces that I'm very close with and have watched grow up. The oldest is the same age as the man's daughter. If anyone ever were to put a video like that up about any of them I'd be ready to throw down.
I guess I just don't see the benefit that putting the video up for the world and identifying her adds to what he did for his daughter. Does embarressing her to the world add or take away to the lesson he was teaching her?
Perhaps to word it a different way I think there is a big difference between saying "My daughter who will remain nameless did something stupid, this is to you honey and your friends, you know who you are, and this is your punishment", which would have been way better than what he said that was basically "Her name is XXX and she lives in XXX town and now I'm smearing her name and villifying her to the entire world in addition to the punishment of taking away her stuff."
It just seemed like he went a step or two too far, thats all.
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Parenting has to be a Dictatorship sometimes...I'm the Dic and you kids are the tators.
The ole you think you got it bad, well things just got a whole lot worse treatment, got to love it.
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
"Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."
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I thin k it was great , my Dad would of just beat me lol, I used to think he was nutz when he said it gets tougher trust me !!
Last edited by submarinepainter; 02-11-2012 at 01:09 PM.
Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes;
God bless little children while they're still too young to hate
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I didnt believe in shooting the laptop, but none the less, will teach her a lesson. If not, then nothing will.
George Beale - Founder & President - info@viprecyclingjunkremoval.com
VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!
I saw this a few days ago. Wonder if I can have the computer...![]()
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I love it. If my kid did what his just did I would have used a full 40 round clip in the AK. Whats really funny is I didnt notice the gun till about half way threw it then I was like SHOOT THE LAPTOP. I have to say having 2 kids of my own I would have done the same thing.
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Emotional abuse at it's height. I worry for her mental health. And if he would shoot her laptop instead of just putting it away or just selling it, I really wonder what worse things he does it private. I'm sorry I watched....it's just plain scary.
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This guy is obviously a control freak. And he's gotten himself into a power struggle with a fifteen year old. What do you think she will do next since he's humiliated her in front of the world? I wouldn't be surprised if she hurts herself in some way. This family needs counseling.
Yes, snotty teenagers who thumb their noses at their parents need to be given a reality check. Kids today are very, very spoiled and disrespectful. Sometimes they need some toughlove. But you have to model mature behavior to them . He could have taken ithe laptop away and given it to charity and done it without any fanfare. If he has to resort to these tactics, he is a very insecure individual who can't tolerate any challenge to his authority. He's the adult - but he acted like the child - no wonder she doesn't have any respect for him.
It was great entertainment, but not great parenting.
Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill
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I should stay out of this, only heard one side of the story.I'm sorry Kris Kringle but you did wrong thier. respect gos both ways, you can,t demand it you have to earn it. that,s my .02 By the way I thought this was a scrapping forum.
Last edited by happyscraper; 02-10-2012 at 08:24 PM.
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I respectfully disagree with happyscaper also, MDG. You can post anything you want. BTW, you don't have to be a parent to recognize mental and emotional cruelty. I pictured you as a parent who would give their kids a lot of love and support. I just can't imagine feeling loved if my father treated me this way. We may not all be parents, but all of us have been sons or daughters.
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Being a son if I did something like this my dad would have beat my arse till I couldnt sit for a week. In all honisty if my child did this I would wear my belt out on there arse then dial the phone for child services and let them come pick them up. Sadly with the nanny state this country has become if you try and parent your child with anything more than a timeout the state wants to call you a bad parent. Ill stop there before I say something I really regret.
Rant off
My parents were very hard when I did wrong growing up and for that it made me a better person. However, they never showed me that when you get angry/upset that its ok to destroy personal property. They never tried to scare me with a pistol even tho we grew up with them. They were very tough, but always in a loving way. This guy just seems way more into himself than his daughter.
Last edited by dmm2442; 02-10-2012 at 09:16 PM.
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i only get my girls on my weekends and on wednesdays, 11 and 13, very hard to deal with right now especially with me seeing them on such a limited basis. i do like the video, extreme probably, necessary possibly, willl she get the point probably not until she has kids of her own and the same happens to her.
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I hope he doesn't keep that gun where his kids can get ahold of it.
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I hope so too. His daughter might shoot him for ruining her facebook life. I myself keep my guns where my kids can get to them if need be. They both know how to load them, shoot them, clean them, and use them to protect themselves and our home when im not home. Last thing I want to do is get the phone call you child was abducted because you wernt home when they got home from school by some wierdo. Here I go again sorry for ranting again.
Rant off
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